Berlin 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
BP 3: Statistical Physics of Biological Systems I (with DY)
Montag, 26. März 2012, 09:30–13:15, MA 001
09:30 |
BP 3.1 |
On various types of synchronization in networks of coupled neurons — •Philipp Hövel, Alexander Fengler, Alexander Heesing, and Eckehard Schöll
09:45 |
BP 3.2 |
Complex activation patterns in a simple deterministic model of excitable neural networks — •Guadalupe C. Garcia, Claus C. Hilgetag, and Marc Thorsten Hütt
10:00 |
BP 3.3 |
Dynamics of inhomogeneous neural systems with nonlocal coupling — •Iryna Omelchenko, Philipp Hövel, and Eckehard Schöll
10:15 |
BP 3.4 |
Spiral-wave prediction in a lattice of FitzHugh-Nagumo oscillators — •Miriam Grace and Marc-Thorsten Hütt
10:30 |
BP 3.5 |
Spatio-temporal dynamics of bumblebees foraging under predation risk — Friedrich Lenz, Thomas C. Ings, Lars Chittka, Aleksei V. Chechkin, and •Rainer Klages
10:45 |
BP 3.6 |
Fluctuation-sensitive coarse-graining for stochastic dynamics — •Bernhard Altaner and Jürgen Vollmer
11:00 |
BP 3.7 |
The role of diffusion in the SIRS epidemic model — Fernando Peruani and •Chiu Fan Lee
11:30 |
BP 3.8 |
Generalized Entropies for Clustering, e.g., in Molecular Evolution — •Kay Hamacher
11:45 |
BP 3.9 |
Stochastic description of birth and death processes governed by a mixture of exponential and non-exponential waiting times — •Stephan Eule
12:00 |
BP 3.10 |
Discriminating the effects of spatial extent and population size in cyclic competition among species — •David Lamouroux, Stephan Eule, Theo Geisel, and Jan Nagler
12:15 |
BP 3.11 |
Modelling of DNA-Hybridization — •Olaf Leidinger and Ludger Santen
12:30 |
BP 3.12 |
A Statistical Analysis of Production in Cells: Flux Distributions, Enzyme Time Scales and Metabolic Network Properties — •Moritz E. Beber and Marc-Thorsten Hütt
12:45 |
BP 3.13 |
Active microswimmers with spatially varying self-propulsion — •Aljoscha Hahn, Giovanni Volpe, Clemens Bechinger, and Holger Stark
13:00 |
BP 3.14 |
Continuous Dynamic Photostimulation - delivering defined, in-vivo-like fluctuating stimuli with Channelrhodopsins — •Andreas Neef, Achmed El Hady, Walter Stühmer, and Fred Wolf