Berlin 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
BP 32: Physics of Cells III
Freitag, 30. März 2012, 09:30–13:00, H 1028
09:30 |
BP 32.1 |
Margination of white blood cells in microvessels — •Dmitry A. Fedosov, Julia Fornleitner, and Gerhard Gompper
09:45 |
BP 32.2 |
Insights into equilibrium shape from in-silico modeling of red blood cells — •Ulf Schiller and Anthony Ladd
10:00 |
BP 32.3 |
Quantification of Depletion Induced Adhesion of Red Blood Cells — •Patrick Steffen, Claude Verdier, and Christian Wagner
10:15 |
BP 32.4 |
‘Wound Healing in vitro’: Blood Platelets on Structured Substrates — •Rabea Sandmann, Sarah Schwarz G. Henriques, Florian Rehfeldt, and Sarah Köster
10:30 |
BP 32.5 |
Active fluctuations of the red blood cell membrane violate the fluctuation dissipation theorem — •Timo Betz, Hervé Turlier, Jean-François Joanny, and Cécile Sykes
10:45 |
BP 32.6 |
Towards the understanding of bond organization in adhesion domains: Coexistence of the dilute and the dense packing — •Daniel Schmidt, Timo Bihr, Udo Seifert, and Ana-Sunčana Smith
11:00 |
BP 32.7 |
Direct observation of catch-bonds in focal adhesions of living cells — •Navid Bonakdar, Achim Schilling, Claus Metzner, Michael Kuhn, Richard Gerum, and Ben Fabry
11:30 |
BP 32.8 |
The Hair Bundle’s Viscous Losses in Response to Tip-Link Forces — •Johannes Baumgart
11:45 |
BP 32.9 |
Temperature-dependent auditory tuning can arise from transduction channel gating — •Björn Nadrowski and Martin Göpfert
12:00 |
BP 32.10 |
Rupture dynamics of cytoskeletal networks — •Philip Guthardt Torres and Ulrich S. Schwarz
12:15 |
BP 32.11 |
Measurement of adhesion forces of bacteria on controlled hydroxyapatite surfaces — •Christian Zeitz, Peter Loskill, Markus Bischoff, Mathias Herrmann, and Karin Jacobs
12:30 |
BP 32.12 |
Ballistic motion of bacterial membrane proteins — •Holger Kress, Rostislav Boltyanskiy, Alexia A. Belperron, Cecile O. Mejean, Charles W. Wolgemuth, Linda K. Bockenstedt, and Eric R. Dufresne
12:45 |
BP 32.13 |
(contribution withdrawn) Energy switching of helical bacteria trapped in a light tube — Matthias Koch and •Alexander Rohrbach