Berlin 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
BP 5: Statistical Physics of Biological Systems II (with DY)
Montag, 26. März 2012, 15:00–17:30, H 1058
15:00 |
BP 5.1 |
The probability of parallel evolution — •Joachim Krug, Ivan G. Szendro, Martijn F. Schenk, and J. Arjan G.M. de Visser
15:15 |
BP 5.2 |
Evolution of cooperation in microbial biofilms - A stochastic model for the growth and survival of bacterial mats — •Johannes Knebel, Anna Melbinger, Jonas Cremer, and Erwin Frey
15:30 |
BP 5.3 |
Meso-scale symmetries explain dynamical equivalence of food webs — •Helge Aufderheide, Lars Rudolf, and Thilo Gross
15:45 |
BP 5.4 |
Geometrical trajectories of a Listeria-type actin-driven particle in 2D — •Fu-Lai Wen, Kwan-tai Leung, and Hsuan-Yi Chen
16:00 |
BP 5.5 |
Mean Exit Time of a Brownian Particle from a Spherical Domain with Multiple Exit Sites on the Boundary — •Ronny Straube, Michael J. Ward, and Alexei F. Cheviakov
16:15 |
BP 5.6 |
Fractional Brownian Motion in Crowded Fluids — Dominique Ernst, Marcel Hellmann, Jürgen Köhler, and •Matthias Weiss
16:30 |
BP 5.7 |
Time domain representation of active nonlinear cochlear waves — •Florian Fruth, Frank Jülicher, and Benjamin Lindner
16:45 |
BP 5.8 |
The effects of temperature changes on the timing of cell division — •Federico Vazquez, Abigail Klopper, Maria Begasse, and Stephan Grill
17:00 |
BP 5.9 |
Spatial organization of the cell cytoplasm: Amplifying protein concentration gradient by phase separation — •Chiu Fan Lee, Clifford P. Brangwynne, Jöbin Gharakhani, Zdeněk Petrášek, Petra Schwille, Anthony A. Hyman, and Frank Jülicher
17:15 |
BP 5.10 |
Molecular Force Response Characteristics from Power Spectral Analysis of Optical Tweezer Experiments — •Yann von Hansen, Alexander Mehlich, Benjamin Pelz, Michael Hinczewski, Matthias Rief, and Roland R. Netz