Mo, 09:30–13:15 |
C 130 |
CPP 1: Interfaces and Thin Films I |
Mo, 09:30–13:15 |
C 243 |
CPP 2: Nanoparticles and Composite Materials |
Mo, 09:30–13:15 |
ER 270 |
CPP 3: Focus: Structural Ordering and Electronic Transport I (joint focus with HL) |
Mo, 15:00–17:30 |
C 243 |
CPP 4: Glasses I (joint session with DY) |
Mo, 15:00–17:30 |
ER 270 |
CPP 5: Focus: Structural Ordering and Electronic Transport II (joint focus with HL) |
Mo, 17:30–19:30 |
Poster A |
CPP 6: Poster: Structural Ordering and Electronic Transport (joint focus with HL) |
Mo, 17:30–19:30 |
Poster A |
CPP 7: Poster: Biopolymers and Biomaterials (jointly with BP) |
Mo, 17:30–20:00 |
Poster A |
CPP 8: Poster: Nanoparticles and Composite Materials |
Di, 09:30–13:00 |
H 1058 |
CPP 9: Biopolymers and Biomaterials (joint session with BP) |
Di, 09:30–13:00 |
C 130 |
CPP 10: Interfaces and Thin Films II |
Di, 09:30–13:00 |
C 243 |
CPP 11: New Instruments and Methods |
Di, 10:00–12:30 |
MA 004 |
CPP 12: Glasses II (joint session with DY) |
Di, 18:15–20:45 |
Poster A |
CPP 13: Poster: Interfaces and Thin Films |
Di, 18:15–20:15 |
Poster A |
CPP 14: Poster: Glasses I (jointly with DY) |
Di, 18:15–20:15 |
Poster A |
CPP 15: Poster: New Instruments and Methods |
Di, 18:15–20:45 |
Poster A |
CPP 16: Poster: Colloids and Complex Liquids |
Di, 18:15–20:15 |
Poster A |
CPP 17: Poster: Crystallisation, Nucleation and Self assembly |
Mi, 09:30–11:00 |
C 130 |
CPP 18: Organic semiconductors I |
Mi, 09:30–11:00 |
C 243 |
CPP 19: Charged Soft Matter |
Mi, 09:30–11:00 |
C 264 |
CPP 20: (Hydro)gels and Elastomers |
Mi, 11:00–13:00 |
Poster A |
CPP 21: Poster: Wetting, Micro and nanofluidics |
Mi, 11:00–13:00 |
Poster A |
CPP 22: Poster: Charged Soft Matter |
Mi, 11:00–13:00 |
Poster A |
CPP 23: Poster: Polymer Dynamics |
Mi, 11:00–13:00 |
Poster A |
CPP 24: Poster: Organic Semiconductors |
Mi, 11:00–13:00 |
Poster A |
CPP 25: Poster: Stress Relaxation in Polymers - From single molecules to biological cells (joint focus with BP) |
Mi, 11:00–13:00 |
Poster A |
CPP 26: Poster: New Perspectives of Scattering at Soft Matter |
Mi, 11:00–13:00 |
Poster A |
CPP 27: Poster: (Hydrogels) and Elastomers |
Mi, 15:00–18:45 |
C 130 |
CPP 28: Colloids and Complex Liquids I |
Mi, 15:00–18:45 |
C 243 |
CPP 29: Crystallisation, Nucleation and Self assembly |
Mi, 15:00–18:45 |
C 264 |
CPP 30: New Perspectives of Scattering at Soft Matter |
Do, 09:30–12:45 |
C 130 |
CPP 31: Organic semiconductors II |
Do, 09:30–12:30 |
C 243 |
CPP 32: Focus: Stress Relaxation in Polymers - From single molecules to biological cells (joint focus with BP) |
Do, 09:30–12:30 |
C 264 |
CPP 33: Polymer Dynamics |
Do, 15:00–18:45 |
C 130 |
CPP 34: Colloids and Complex Liquids II |
Do, 15:00–18:45 |
C 243 |
CPP 35: Focus: Rheology I (joint focus with DRG) |
Do, 15:00–18:45 |
C 264 |
CPP 36: Wetting, Micro and nanofluidics I |
Do, 18:45–19:45 |
Poster A |
CPP 37: Poster: Rheology (joint focus with DRG) |
Fr, 09:30–12:15 |
C 130 |
CPP 38: Focus: Rheology II (joint focus with DRG) |
Fr, 09:30–12:00 |
C 243 |
CPP 39: Wetting, Micro and nanofluidics II |