18:15 |
CPP 13.1 |
Critical Adsorption of Polymers with Different Architecture — •Olga Mironova and Jens-Uwe Sommer
18:15 |
CPP 13.2 |
Influence of charge density on bilayer bending rigidity in lipid vesicles: a combined dynamic light scattering and neutron spin-echo study — •Beate-Annette Brüning, Ralf Stehle, Peter Falus, and Bela Farago
18:15 |
CPP 13.3 |
Monte-Carlo Simulation of Compatibilization by Network-Building and Catalytic Interface Reactions in Two-Component Injection Molding — •Andreas John, Jürgen Nagel, and Gert Heinrich
18:15 |
CPP 13.4 |
Molecular Dynamics of Miscible Polymer Blend Thin Films — •Huajie Yin and Andreas Schönhals
18:15 |
CPP 13.5 |
Implementation of super-structures on mesoporous titania films via soft embossing — •Gregory D. Tainter, Martin A. Niedermeier, and Peter Müller-Buschbaum
18:15 |
CPP 13.6 |
Electrodeposition of porous ZnO in the presence of sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate (NaDBS) as structure-directing agent — •Magnus Schäfer, Max Beu, and Derck Schlettwein
18:15 |
CPP 13.7 |
Competing Ordering Processes at Liquid Crystal Surfaces Laden with Semifluorinated Alkane Molecules — •Xunda Feng, Ahmed Mourran, Martin Möller, and Christian Bahr
18:15 |
CPP 13.8 |
Stimuli-responsive layer-by-layer films containing block copolymer micelles — •Inna Dewald, Julia Gensel, Johann Erath, Eva Betthausen, Axel H.E. Müller, and Andreas Fery
18:15 |
CPP 13.9 |
In Situ Growth Studies of N-Alkanes on Silica with Real-Time X-Ray Methods — •Christopher Weber, Christian Frank, Wolfram Leitenberger, Frank Schreiber, and Stefan Kowarik
18:15 |
CPP 13.10 |
Wetting of solid surfaces by microemulsions — •Stefan Wellert, Samantha Micciulla, Roland Steitz, Regine von Klitzing, and Thomas Hellweg
18:15 |
CPP 13.11 |
Deformation and Buckling of Elastic Capsules — •Sebastian Knoche and Jan Kierfeld
18:15 |
CPP 13.12 |
Microfabrication and characterization of stress-reduced YSZ membranes — •Florian Kuhl, Markus Piechotka, Torsten Henning, Daniel Reppin, Peter J. Klar, and Bruno K. Meyer
18:15 |
CPP 13.13 |
The interplay of structure and molecular dynamics in confinement of block copolymer meso-phases in thin layers — Markus Fuchs, •Martin Tress, Emmanuel Mapesa, and Friedrich Kremer
18:15 |
CPP 13.14 |
Phase diagram of a diblock copolymer film in an electric field in the strong segregation limit — •Michael Harrach, Marianne Heckmann, Tiago Peixoto, and Barbara Drossel
18:15 |
CPP 13.15 |
Evidence of elastic behaviour of a distorted monolayer — •Uli Langer and Thomas M. Fischer
18:15 |
CPP 13.16 |
Interfacial effects on single dye dynamics in ultrathin liquid films and in nanopores — •Fabian Meier, Daniela Täuber, and Christian von Borczyskowski
18:15 |
CPP 13.17 |
Increased sorption of water investigating ultrathin polyvinylacetate films — •Heiko Huth and Christoph Schick
18:15 |
CPP 13.18 |
Functionalization of silicon oxide nanopatterns by selective binding of fluorescent molecules — •Thomas Baumgärtel, Christian von Borczyskowski, and Harald Graaf
18:15 |
CPP 13.19 |
Mineralisation of iron oxides under lipid monolayers studied by x-ray scattering experiments — •Steffen Bieder, Florian Wieland, Patrick Degen, Michael Paulus, Martin Schroer, Johannes Möller, Christoph Sahle, Ralph Wagner, Heinz Rehage, and Metin Tolan
18:15 |
CPP 13.20 |
Surface Properties of Catanionic Mixtures — •Heiko Fauser, Martin Uhlig, and Regine v. Klitzing
18:15 |
CPP 13.21 |
The role of the solid/liquid interface on the dewetting process of thin polystyrene films — •Mischa Klos, Matthias Lessel, Oliver Bäumchen, and Karin Jacobs
18:15 |
CPP 13.22 |
Adsorption of supercritical fluids on solids — Sebastian Holz, •Julia Nase, Michael Paulus, Christian Sternemann, Thorsten Brenner, and Metin Tolan
18:15 |
CPP 13.23 |
Freezing single molecule dynamics on interfaces and in polymers — •Felix Schmieder, Stefan Krause, and Christian von Borczyskowsi
18:15 |
CPP 13.24 |
Swelling of Polyelectrolyte Multilayers in Ionic Liquid — Nagma Parveen and •Monika Schönhoff
18:15 |
CPP 13.25 |
Frequency Response of Polymer Films Made from a Precursor Colloidal Monolayer on a Nanomechanical Cantilever — Ting Liu, Sascha Pihan, Marcel Roth, Markus Retsch, Ulrich Jonas, Jochen Stefan Gutmann, Kaloian Koynov, •Hans-Jürgen Butt, and Rüdiger Berger
18:15 |
CPP 13.26 |
Fabrication of carbon nanomembranes by helium ion beam lithography — •Xianghui Zhang, Henning Vieker, André Beyer, and Armin Gölzhäuser
18:15 |
CPP 13.27 |
Switching properties and orientation of dichroic fluorescent dyes in a nematic liquid crystal — •Clemens Göhler, Harald Graaf, and Christian von Borczyskowski
18:15 |
CPP 13.28 |
Morphology and rupture forces of liquid gallium immobilized on different surfaces — •Frank Lawrenz, Nikolai Severin, Jürgen P. Rabe, Christiane A. Helm, and Stephan Block
18:15 |
CPP 13.29 |
Interactions of Radical Oxygen Species with Phosphatidylcholine Monolayers and Liposomes — •Andreas Gröning, Heiko Ahrens, Frank Lawrenz, Thomas Ortmann, Gerald Brezesinski, Fritz Scholz, Doris Vollmer, and Christiane A. Helm
18:15 |
CPP 13.30 |
Can we correlate residual stresses in ultrathin polymer films with a high surface mobility? — •Mithun Chowdhury, Paul Freyberg, and Günter Reiter
18:15 |
CPP 13.31 |
Modification of wrinkled surfaces through defects — •Patrick Wünnemann, Marco Phillip Schürings, Felix Plamper, Andrij Pich, and Alexander Böker
18:15 |
CPP 13.32 |
Phase transitions of Polypeptides in confined geometries — •Renate Reiter, Frédéric Wintzenrith, and Günter Reiter
18:15 |
CPP 13.33 |
Controlling Colloidal Self-Assembly with Gradient Wrinkle Substrates in Combinatorial Experiments — Stephanie Hiltl, Jens Oltmans, and •Alexander Böker
18:15 |
CPP 13.34 |
Modelling surfactant covered films - thermodynamic reformulation and extension of the hydrodynamic evolution equations — •Uwe Thiele, Andrew J. Archer, and Plapp Mathis
18:15 |
CPP 13.35 |
Layer thickness homogeneity determination via Rutherford backscattering in helium-ion microscopy — •Henning Vieker, Karsten Rott, André Beyer, Günter Reiss, and Armin Gölzhäuser
18:15 |
CPP 13.36 |
Site specific electronic structure of electron doped SrTiO3 and SrTiO3 /LaAlO3 interfaces — •Christoph Schlueter, Tien-Lin Lee, Carmela Aruta, and Jörg Zegenehagen