18:15 |
CPP 17.1 |
Stabilization of crystalline order in thin films of polyethylene close to a graphite substrate — •Ann-Kristin Löhmann, Thomas Henze, and Thomas Thurn-Albrecht
18:15 |
CPP 17.2 |
Microphase separation in the block copolymer PMMA-PBA synthesized by RAFT — •Stefanie Grünheit, Katharina Tietz, Alexander Rahn, Philipp Vana, and Konrad Samwer
18:15 |
CPP 17.3 |
Effect of the crystalline αc-process on the morphology of semi-crystalline polymers: a comparative SAXS study on poly-є-caprolactone and polyethyleneoxide — •Anne Seidlitz, Albrecht Petzold, and Thomas Thurn-Albrecht
18:15 |
CPP 17.4 |
Shape-persistent linear, kinked, and cyclic oligo(phenylene-ethynylene-butadiynylene)s: self-assembled monolayers — •Stefan-Sven Jester, Alisa Idelson, Daniela Schmitz, Friederike Eberhagen, and Sigurd Höger
18:15 |
CPP 17.5 |
Shape-persistent macrocycles: 1D and 2D aggregation — Joscha Vollmeyer, •Stefan-Sven Jester, Friederike Eberhagen, and Sigurd Höger
18:15 |
CPP 17.6 |
Investigation of Flow-Induced Periodically Banded Single Crystals in Isotactic Polystyrene Thin Films — •Hui Zhang and Günter Reiter
18:15 |
CPP 17.7 |
Crystallization kinetics of PET/MWCNT nanocomposites — •Andreas Wurm, Anja Herrmann, Andreas Korwitz, Doris Pospiech, and Christoph Schick
18:15 |
CPP 17.8 |
Nucleation and Crystallization in Glassy Polymers (PCL, iPP) — Evgeny Zhuravlev, Daniela Mileva, René Androsch, and •Christoph Schick
18:15 |
CPP 17.9 |
Heterogeneous and homogeneous crystal nucleation in colloidal hard-sphere like microgels at low metastabilities — •Markus Franke and Hans Joachim Schöpe
18:15 |
CPP 17.10 |
Polymer induced changes of the crystallization scenario in suspensions of hard sphere like microgels — Richard Beyer, Sara Iacopini, Thomas Palberg, and •Hans-Joachim Schöpe
18:15 |
CPP 17.11 |
Protein crystallization in the presence of di- and trivalent metal ions — •Andrea Sauter, Georg Zocher, Fajun Zhang, Thilo Stehle, and Frank Schreiber
18:15 |
CPP 17.12 |
Low temperature sol-gel synthesis of polymer/titania hybrid films based on custom made poly(3-alkoxy thiophene) — •Martin A. Niedermeier, Monika Rawolle, Phillip Lellig, Volker Körstgens, Eva M. Herzig, Adeline Buffet, Stephan V. Roth, Jochen S. Gutmann, Thomas Fröschl, Nicola Hüsing, and Peter Müller-Buschbaum
18:15 |
CPP 17.13 |
Manipulating crystallization by seed induced heterogeneous nucleation — •Andreas Engelbrecht and Hans Joachim Schöpe
18:15 |
CPP 17.14 |
Strain-induced nucleation for establishing highly oriented iPP — •Konrad Schneider
18:15 |
CPP 17.15 |
Opal-like Crystals: Structural Analysis by Small Angle Neutron Scattering — •Parvin Sharifi Rajabi, Mulda Muldarisnur, and Frank Marlow
18:15 |
CPP 17.16 |
From atoms to layer: growth kinetics during sputter deposition observed via in-situ GISAXS — •Matthias Schwartzkopf, Mottakin M. Abul Kashem, Gunthard Benecke, Adeline Buffet, Denise Erb, Berit Heidmann, Gerd Herzog, Volker Körstgens, Ezzeldin Metwalli, Jan Perlich, André Rothkirch, Kai Schlage, Peter Müller-Buschbaum, Ralf Röhlsberger, Rainer Gehrke, and Stephan V. Roth
18:15 |
CPP 17.17 |
Monodisperse polystyrene@vinyl-SiO2 core-shell particles and hollow SiO2 spheres for photonic crystals fabrication — •Tian-Song Deng and Frank Marlow
18:15 |
CPP 17.18 |
Universality in block copolymers: a corresponding states hypothesis — •Jens Glaser, Jian Qin, Pavani Medapuram, and David Morse
18:15 |
CPP 17.19 |
IR spectroscopic studies on SiO condensation — •Steffen Wetzel and Annemarie Pucci
18:15 |
CPP 17.20 |
Nucleation and growth of large scale ordered structures in highly swollen thin-films of Poly-γ-benzyl-L-glutamate (PBLG) — •Kaiwan Jahanshahi, Ioan Botiz, and Günter Reiter
18:15 |
CPP 17.21 |
The Effect of Surface Affinity on the Morphology of Double Crystalline Co-Oligomer Thin Films — •Robert Schulze, Thomas F. Keller, and Klaus D. Jandt