15:00 |
CPP 36.1 |
Topical Talk:
From superhydrophobic to superamphiphobic coatings: How to tune wetting — •Doris Vollmer, Xu Deng, Lena Mammen, Periklis Papadopoulos, and Hans-Jürgen Butt
15:30 |
CPP 36.2 |
Influence of surfactant concentration and transport on forced dynamic wetting — •Daniela Fell, Ngamjarassrivichai Pawanrat, Manos Anyfantakis, Elmar Bonaccurso, Hans-Jürgen Butt, and Günter K. Auernhammer
15:45 |
CPP 36.3 |
Dynamics of Wet Granulates under Shear Deformation — •Somnath Karmakar, Marc Schaber, Marco Di Michiel, Mario Scheel, and Ralf Seemann
16:00 |
CPP 36.4 |
Liquid transport in wet granular packings — •Ciro Semprebon, Stephan Herminghaus, and Martin Brinkmann
16:15 |
CPP 36.5 |
Pore-scale dynamics of multiphase fluid flow through porous media using synchrotron X-ray tomography — •Kamaljit Singh, Hagen Scholl, Marco Di Michiel, Mario Scheel, Stephan Herminghaus, and Ralf Seemann
16:30 |
CPP 36.6 |
Dielectric Capillary Rise in Mesoporous Vycor-Glass — •Beatrice Hallouet, Erika Robert, Patrick Huber, and Rolf Pelster
17:00 |
CPP 36.7 |
Imaging of wetting dynamics of a molecularly thin fluid film in a soft graphene-mica slit pore — •Nikolai Severin, Philipp Lange, Igor M. Sokolov, and Jürgen P. Rabe
17:15 |
CPP 36.8 |
Wetting and adsorption properties of monolayer interfaces — •Jens Smiatek, Hendrik Wagner, Armido Studer, and Andreas Heuer
17:30 |
CPP 36.9 |
Parameter passing between Molecular Dynamics and thin film hydrodynamics — •Nikita Tretyakov, Marcus Müller, Desislava Todorova, and Uwe Thiele
17:45 |
CPP 36.10 |
The influence of nano-roughness on solid-liquid surface free energies. A molecular dynamics simulations contribution. — •Frédéric Leroy
18:00 |
CPP 36.11 |
Wetting and prewetting in electrolyte solutions — •Ingrid Ibagon, Markus Bier, and S. Dietrich
18:15 |
CPP 36.12 |
Dynamics of small droplets on solid surfaces — •Nasrollah Moradi, Fathollah Varnik, and Ingo Steinbach
18:30 |
CPP 36.13 |
Wetting of droplet ensembles on solid substrates — •Marouen Ben Said, Britta Nestler, Harald Garcke, and Michael Selzer