Berlin 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
CPP 37: Poster: Rheology (joint focus with DRG)
Donnerstag, 29. März 2012, 18:45–19:45, Poster A
18:45 |
CPP 37.1 |
Active fluids in Taylor Couette Systems — •Matthias Mußler, Albrecht Ott, and Christian Wagner
18:45 |
CPP 37.2 |
The reversibility of modifications created by processing linear and long chain branched polypropylene melts — •Bernadette Duscher, Alois Schausberger, and Wolfgang Stadlbauer
18:45 |
CPP 37.3 |
Complex rheological behavior of epoxy resin based nanocomposites — •Matthieu Thomassey, Jörg Baller, Jan-Kristian Krüger, and Roland Sanctuary
18:45 |
CPP 37.4 |
Gap dependence of the trim distance in parallel plate rheometry — •Roman Sebastian Rittberger and Gerhard Eder
18:45 |
CPP 37.5 |
Following UV Induced Chemical Reactions with Rheometry and Simultaneous FTIR-Spectroscopy — •Jan Philip Plog, Veit Zschuppe, and Manfred Feustel
18:45 |
CPP 37.6 |
Decay of elastic turbulence in a von Karman swirling flow — •Christof Schäfer, Teodor Burghelea, and Christian Wagner
18:45 |
CPP 37.7 |
dynamics of thermosensitive core-shell dumbbell-shaped microgels — •Fangfang Chu, Miriam Siebenbürger, Nils Heptner, Joachim Dzubiella, Yan Lu, and Matthias Ballauff
18:45 |
CPP 37.8 |
Unsteady low Reynolds pipe number flows of a Carbopol solution: why the simplest flow problems still remain elusive? — Antoine Poumaere, Miguel Moyers-Gonzales, •Cathy Castelain, and Teodor Burghelea
18:45 |
CPP 37.9 |
Mechanical Properties and Structure in Precipitated Colloidal Silica — •Miao Wang, Marcel Roth, H. Henning Winter, and Günter K. Auernhammer
18:45 |
CPP 37.10 |
Structure Formation in Processed Cheese and Rheological Evaluation of Some Influencing Factors — •Yamen Edelby and Bernhard Senge