17:30 |
CPP 6.1 |
Multiscale molecular simulations of P3HT:PCBM blends — •Olga Guskova, Andreas John, Peter Friedel, and Jens-Uwe Sommer
17:30 |
CPP 6.2 |
Distribution of States and Energetic Disorder in P3HT:PCBM Blends — •Ilja Lange, Juliane Kniepert, Peter Brückner, James C. Blakesley, and Dieter Neher
17:30 |
CPP 6.3 |
Recombination process in organic photovoltaic solar cells based on BTD/DPP copolymers studied by IV-characteristics — •Olesia Synooka, Chetan Raj Singh, Florian Kretschmer,3, Martin D. Hager,3,4, Gerhard Gobsch, and Harald Hoppe
17:30 |
CPP 6.4 |
Influence of different organic ligands on the charge transport and charge transfer characteristics of CuInS2/polymer hybrid mixtures — •Christopher Krause, Nikolay Radychev, Florian Witt, Marta Kruszynska, Dorothea Scheunemann, Joanna Kolny-Olesiak, Holger Borchert, and Jürgen Parisi
17:30 |
CPP 6.5 |
Subsurface imaging of P3HT:PCBM blends — •Martin Dehnert, Mario Zerson, Sven Hüttner, Zhuxia Rong, Ullrich Steiner, and Robert Magerle
17:30 |
CPP 6.6 |
Ordered TiO2 single crystal nanowire arrays for hybrid solar cells — •Julian Reindl, Jonas Weickert, Andreas Wisnet, Christina Scheu, and Lukas Schmidt-Mende
17:30 |
CPP 6.7 |
Nanostructured Hybrid Solar Cells — •Jonas Weickert, Andreas Wisnet, Christina Scheu, and Lukas Schmidt-Mende
17:30 |
CPP 6.8 |
Solvent additives for tuning the photovoltaic properties of polymer-fullerene solar cells — •Anna Göritz, Antonietta De Sio, Thomas Madena, Ralph Huber, Jürgen Parisi, Shany Neyshtadt, Felix Deschler, Enrico Da Como, Salvatore Esposito, and Elizabeth von Hauff
17:30 |
CPP 6.9 |
Charge transport investigation in electrochemical environment — •Zhiwei Yi, Bastian Kopp, Dirk Mayer, Andreas Offenhäusser, and Elke Scheer
17:30 |
CPP 6.10 |
Time resolved microwave conductivity (TRMC) and transient absoption (TAS) measurements reveal charge carrier dynamics in organic semiconductors — •Andreas Fritze, Andreas Sperlich, Carsten Deibel, Tom J. Savenije, and Vladimir Dyakonov
17:30 |
CPP 6.11 |
Influence of PEDOT:PSS on the Morphology of P3HT:PCBM:PSS Solar Cells — •Ben Stafford, Klaus Wagenbauer, Eva M. Herzig, and Peter Müller-Buschbaum
17:30 |
CPP 6.12 |
Simulations of charge transport in lamellar PBTTT — •Alexander Malafeev, Eunkyung Cho, Chad M. Risko, Jean-Luc Bredas, Victor Ivanov, and Denis Andrienko
17:30 |
CPP 6.13 |
Subsurface Mapping of Amorphous Surface Layers on different types of P3HT — •M. Zerson, E.-C. Spitzner, C. Riesch, R. Lohwasser, M. Thelakkat, A. Sperlich, H. Kraus, V. Dyakonov, and R. Magerle
17:30 |
CPP 6.14 |
Tuning of Crystal Orientation in Conducting Polymer Blends — •Eva M. Herzig, Klaus Wagenbauer, Volker Körstgens, Weijia Wang, Yuan Yao, Adeline Buffet, Stephan V. Roth, and Peter Müller-Buschbaum
17:30 |
CPP 6.15 |
Increase in performance of polymer based field effect transistors with dielectric nanoparticles — •Ali Veysel TUNC, Jürgen Parisi, and Elizabeth von Hauff
17:30 |
CPP 6.16 |
Host-Guest Complexes of β-Cyclodextrin-Substituted Silicon (IV) Phthalocyanines and a Tetrasulfonated Porphyrin: MD Simulations and Estimates on Electron Transfer — •Julie Krainau, Jörg Megow, Alexander Kulesza, and Volkhard May
17:30 |
CPP 6.17 |
Role of Structural Order on Ultrafast Free Charge Generation in Polythiophene/Si Photovoltaics — •Christina Scharsich, Daniel Herrmann, Sabrina Niesar, Martin Stutzmann, Eberhard Riedle, and Anna Köhler
17:30 |
CPP 6.18 |
Electronic trap states in organic polymer-fullerene solar cells — •Julia Rauh, Stefan Neugebauer, Carsten Deibel, and Vladimir Dyakonov
17:30 |
CPP 6.19 |
Structured Interfaces in Organic Photovoltaic Devices — •Claudia Maria Palumbiny, Robert Meier, Holger Christian Hesse, Ricky Dunbar, Lukas Schmidt-Mende, and Peter Müller-Buschbaum
17:30 |
CPP 6.20 |
Influence of Nongeminate Recombination on the Field-Dependence of the Photocurrent in Organic Solar Cells — •Ian Howard, Ralf Mauer, and Frédéric Laquai
17:30 |
CPP 6.21 |
Immobilization of quantum dots via conjugated SAMs and their application as a light-controlled sensor for the detection of hydrogen peroxide — •Waqas Khalid, Mira El Helou, Tobias Murböck, Zhao Yue, Jose-Maria Montenegro, Kirsten Schubert, Gero Göbel, Fred Lisdat, Gregor Witte, and Wolfgang Parak
17:30 |
CPP 6.22 |
Determination of the mobility and lifetime of charge carriers in organic solar cells under operating conditions — •Andreas Baumann, Jens Lorrmann, Daniel Rauh, Carsten Deibel, and Vladimir Dyakonov
17:30 |
CPP 6.23 |
Increasing the performance of vacuum-processed organic light-emitting pin diodes by inserting an solution-processed hole-transport layer — •Thorsten Umbach, Stefan Schneider, Heike Klesper, and Klaus Meerholz
17:30 |
CPP 6.24 |
Towards Highly Efficient Vacuum-processed Merocyanine Tandem Solar Cells — •Vera Steinmann, Nils Kronenberg, Hannah Bürckstümmer, Dirk Hertel, Martin Lenze, Steven Graf, Frank Würthner, and Klaus Meerholz
17:30 |
CPP 6.25 |
Structure and properties of reduced graphene oxide — •Michael Enzelberger, Siegfried Eigler, Philipp Hofmann, Christoph Dotzer, Andreas Hirsch, and Paul Müller
17:30 |
CPP 6.26 |
Modelling charge carrier dynamics in disordered semiconducting materials — •Jens Lorrmann, Julien Gorenflot, Vladimir Dyakonov, and Carsten Deibel
17:30 |
CPP 6.27 |
Influence of Polarization on the Energy Landscape for Charge Transport in Organic Electronic Materials — •Falk May, Björn Baumeier, Denis Andrienko, and Christian Lennartz
17:30 |
CPP 6.28 |
Controlled polymerization of electron-deficient monomers: controlled preparation of n-type semiconducting polymers for organic electronics — •Anton Kiriy and Volodymyr Senkockyy
17:30 |
CPP 6.29 |
Built-in potential and validity of Mott-Schottky analysis in organic bulk heterojunction solar cells — •Markus Mingebach, Carsten Deibel, and Vladimir Dyakonov