Berlin 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
HL 101: Transport: Nanoelectronics II - Spintronics and Magnetotransport (jointly with TT, MA)
Freitag, 30. März 2012, 09:30–12:00, BH 243
09:30 |
HL 101.1 |
Adiabaticity mediated mesoscopic spin transport — •Tobias Dollinger, Henri Saarikoski, and Klaus Richter
09:45 |
HL 101.2 |
Electronic transport through EuO spin filter tunnel junctions — •Nuttachai Jutong, Ivan Rungger, Stefano Sanvito, Udo Schwingenschlögl, and Ulrich Eckern
10:00 |
HL 101.3 |
Spin transistor action from Onsager reciprocity and SU(2) gauge theory — Inanc Adagideli, •Vitalij Lutsker, Matthias Scheid, Philippe Jacquod, and Klaus Richter
10:15 |
HL 101.4 |
Magnetic impurities on Bi thin films — •Daniel Lükermann, Sergii Sologub, Christoph Tegenkamp, and Herbert Pfnür
10:30 |
HL 101.5 |
Adiabatic pumping through an interacting quantum dot with spin-orbit coupling — •Stephan Rojek, Jürgen König, and Alexander Shnirman
11:00 |
HL 101.6 |
Anomalous Hall conductivity in Ni and its alloys — •D. Ködderitzsch, K. Chadova, J. Minar, and H. Ebert
11:15 |
HL 101.7 |
Investigation of magnetic point contacts irradiated by microwave and THz radiation — •Stefan Egle, Torsten Pietsch, and Elke Scheer
11:30 |
HL 101.8 |
Gate dependent TMR-effect in a SWCNT-based spin valve device with exchange biased ferromagnetic contacts — Andreas Prüfling, •Daniel Steininger, Maurice Ziola, Matthias Sperl, Andreas K. Hüttel, and Christoph Strunk
11:45 |
HL 101.9 |
Rotating skyrmion lattices by spin torques and field gradients — •Karin Everschor, Markus Garst, Benedikt Binz, Christian Pfleiderer, and Achim Rosch