Berlin 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
HL 45: Photovoltaics: Silicon-based Systems I
Mittwoch, 28. März 2012, 09:30–11:00, ER 270
09:30 |
HL 45.1 |
Selektive Ablation dünner dielektrischer Schichten von Silizium mittels ultrakurzer Laserimpulse — •Tino Rublack, Martin Schade und Gerhard Seifert
09:45 |
HL 45.2 |
Microstructuring of silicon with femtosecond laser pulses — •Waldemar Freund, Jan P. Richters, Jürgen Gutowski, and Tobias Voss
10:00 |
HL 45.3 |
Formation of Black Silicon by differently polarized femtosecond laser pulses — •Stefan Kontermann, Anna Lena Baumann, Thomas Gimpel, Kay Michael Guenther, Augustinas Ruibys, and Wolfgang Schade
10:15 |
HL 45.4 |
Crystal structure at the surface of femtosecond-laser microstructured silicon for photovoltaics — •Thomas Gimpel, Ingmar Höger, Fritz Falk, Stefan Kontermann, and Wolfgang Schade
10:30 |
HL 45.5 |
Surface recombination in black silicon — •Michael Algasinger, Julie Paye, Svetoslav Koynov, Martin S. Brandt, and Martin Stutzmann
10:45 |
HL 45.6 |
Black silicon passivation by conformal thermal ALD deposited Al2O3 coatings — •Martin Otto, Matthias Kroll, Thomas Käsebier, Roland Salzer, and Ralf B. Wehrspohn