Berlin 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
HL 57: Photonic Crystals II
Mittwoch, 28. März 2012, 12:00–13:15, EW 202
12:00 |
HL 57.1 |
Near-Field Coupling in Metamaterials — •Felix von Cube, Stephan Irsen, and Stefan Linden
12:15 |
HL 57.2 |
Analytically generated adaptive meshes for the Fourier Modal Method — •Jens Küchenmeister, Thomas Zebrowski, Sabine Essig, and Kurt Busch
12:30 |
HL 57.3 |
(contribution withdrawn) Advances of Modal Methods in the Simulation of Photonic Structures and Devices — •Thomas Zebrowski, Jens Küchenmeister, Michael Walz, and Kurt Busch
12:45 |
HL 57.4 |
Light-Mediated Coupling of a Single QD Coupled to Strongly Interacting Planar Photonic Crystal Cavities — •Stefan Declair, Torsten Meier, and Jens Förstner
13:00 |
HL 57.5 |
High and Subharmonic Generation with a Semiconductor Quantum dot in a Photonic Crystal Cavity — •Matthias Reichelt, Andrea Walther, and Torsten Meier