Berlin 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
HL 60: Graphene: Raman Spectroscopy
Mittwoch, 28. März 2012, 15:30–16:45, ER 164
15:30 |
HL 60.1 |
Substrate dependence of the Raman 2D line of graphene — Alejandro Molina-Sanchez and •Ludger Wirtz
15:45 |
HL 60.2 |
Spatially resolved Raman spectroscopy of graphene on hexagonal boron nitride — Florian Forster, Anton Maier, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, and •Christoph Stampfer
16:00 |
HL 60.3 |
Resonant Raman scattering profiles and micro-photoluminescence of single- and bilayer molybdenum disulfide — •Nils Scheuschner, Oliver Ochedowski, Marika Schleberger, and Janina Maultzsch
16:15 |
HL 60.4 |
Symmetry of phonon modes in functionalized carbon nanotubes — •Christoph Tyborski, Matthias Müller, Janina Maultzsch, and Christian Thomsen
16:30 |
HL 60.5 |
Interlayer coupling in graphene — •Felix Herziger, Patrick May, and Janina Maultzsch