Berlin 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
HL 63: Devices I
Mittwoch, 28. März 2012, 15:00–17:00, EW 015
15:00 |
HL 63.1 |
Mapping of reflectivity and excited carriers’ transport in metal–insulator–metal heterosystems — Dominik Differt, Walter Pfeiffer, and •Detlef Diesing
15:15 |
HL 63.2 |
A new method for obtaining accurate capacitance-voltage curves in the presence of additional space charges — •Kay-Michael Günther, Hartmut Witte, Alois Krost, Stefan Kontermann, and Wolfgang Schade
15:30 |
HL 63.3 |
Solution-processed p-channel tin monoxide thin-film transistors — •Koshi Okamura, Babak Nasr, Richard A. Brand, and Horst Hahn
15:45 |
HL 63.4 |
Chemical surface modifications for altering electrical characteristics of silicon nanowire Schottky-barrier FETs — •Sebastian Pregl, Walter Weber, Joerg Opitz, and Gianaurelio Cuniberti
16:00 |
HL 63.5 |
Two-color pump-probe experiments with balanced heterodyne detection on InAs/GaAs quantum dot semiconductor optical amplifiers — •Yücel I. Kaptan, Nina Owschimikow, and Ulrike Woggon
16:15 |
HL 63.6 |
AlInN/GaN FETs auf Si(001) — •Armin Dadgar, Hartmut Witte, Jürgen Bläsing, Annette Diez und Alois Krost
16:30 |
HL 63.7 |
Effect of temperature and strain on the optical polarization of ultraviolet light emitting diodes — •T. Kolbe, A. Knauer, V. Kueller, J. Stellmach, C. Chua, Z. Yang, S. Einfeldt, P. Vogt, N.M. Johnson, M. Weyers, and M. Kneissl
16:45 |
HL 63.8 |
Efficiency droop in nonpolar InGaN quantum wells — •Lukas Schade, Ulrich Schwarz, Tim Wernicke, Jens Rass, Simon Ploch, Markus Weyers, and Michael Kneissl