17:15 |
HL 69.1 |
Influence of spin relaxation and Coulomb correlations on the dynamics of an open quantum dot — •Benjamin Baxevanis, Andreas Beckel, Bastian Marquardt, Martin Geller, Axel Lorke, and Daniela Pfannkuche
17:30 |
HL 69.2 |
A self-referenced single-electron current source — •Lukas Fricke, Michael Wulf, Frank Hohls, Bernd Kaestner, Ralf Dolata, Philipp Mirovsky, Klaus Pierz, Thomas Weimann, and Hans W. Schumacher
17:45 |
HL 69.3 |
Transient capacitance measurements on GaAs quantum dots — •Jochen Kerbst, Pascal Schoof, Christian Heyn, and Wolfgang Hansen
18:00 |
HL 69.4 |
The influence of charged quantum dots on the transport properties of a two dimensional system — •Simon Wisotzki, Andreas Beckel, Bastian Marquardt, Martin Geller, Tobias Nowozin, Andreas Marent, Dieter Bimberg, and Axel Lorke
18:15 |
HL 69.5 |
Deep-Level Transient Spectroscopy on GaSb/GaAs and In0.25Ga0.75As/GaP quantum dots — •Leo Bonato, Tobias Nowozin, Gernot Stracke, Alexander Glacki, Andreas Marent, Dieter Bimberg, Robert Young, and Manus Hayne
18:30 |
HL 69.6 |
HRTEM investigation of InAs/GaAs sub-monolayer structures — •Felix Kießling, Tore Niermann, Jan-Hindrik Schulze, Tim David Germann, André Strittmatter, Udo W. Pohl, Dieter Bimberg, and Michael Lehmann
18:45 |
HL 69.7 |
Carrier dynamics in MODFETs with embedded quantum dots — •Michael Narodovitch, Tobias Nowozin, Andreas Marent, and Dieter Bimberg
19:00 |
HL 69.8 |
Growth of InN based nanostructures on patterned substrates using MOVPE — •Andreas Winden, Martin Mikulics, Toma Stoica, Martina von der Ahe, Anna Haab, Hilde Hardtdegen, and Detlev Grützmacher