09:30 |
HL 78.1 |
Spin relaxation in graphene induced by adatoms — •Jan Bundesmann and Klaus Richter
09:45 |
HL 78.2 |
Emergent Gauge Fields in Bilayer Graphene — •Roland Winkler and Ulrich Zülicke
10:00 |
HL 78.3 |
Single-parameter pumping in graphene — •Sigmund Kohler, Pablo San-Jose, Elsa Prada, and Henning Schomerus
10:15 |
HL 78.4 |
Self-consistent theory of the second-harmonic generation in graphene — •Sergey Mikhailov
10:30 |
HL 78.5 |
The Hubbard model on the bilayer honeycomb lattice with Bernal stacking — •Thomas C. Lang, Stefan Übelacker, Zi Yang Meng, Michael Scherer, Carsten Honerkamp, Alejandro Muramatsu, Fakher F. Assaad, and Stefan Wessel
10:45 |
HL 78.6 |
Coulomb drag in graphene via kinetic equation approach — •Michael Schuett, Pavel M. Ostrovsky, Igor V. Gornyi, Mikhail Titov, Boris N. Narozhny, and Alexander D. Mirlin
11:00 |
HL 78.7 |
Manifestation of electron-electron interaction in the magnetoresistance of graphene — •Johannes Jobst, Daniel Waldmann, Igor V. Gornyi, Alexander D. Mirlin, and Heiko B. Weber
11:30 |
HL 78.8 |
Orbital Magnetism in graphene bulk and nanostructures — •Lisa Heße, Jürgen Wurm, and Klaus Richter
11:45 |
HL 78.9 |
Klein paradox for arbitrary spatio-temporal scalar potential barrier and Josephson-like current in graphene — Sergey E. Savel’ev, •Wolfgang Häusler, and Peter Hänggi
12:00 |
HL 78.10 |
Relaxation in graphene quantum dots — •Christoph Neumann, Christian Volk, Sebastian Kazarski, Stefan Fringes, Stephan Engels, Bernat Terres, Jan Dauber, Stefan Trellenkamp, and Christoph Stampfer
12:15 |
HL 78.11 |
Minimal tight-binding model for transport in graphene heterojunctions — •Ming-Hao Liu, Jan Bundesmann, and Klaus Richter
12:30 |
HL 78.12 |
Quantum Hall effect in graphene with superconducting electrodes — •Markus Weiss, Peter Rickhaus, and Christian Schönenberger
12:45 |
HL 78.13 |
Klein paradox for arbitrary spatio-temporal scalar potential barrier and Josephson-like current in graphene — Sergey E. Savel’ev, •Wolfgang Häusler, and Peter Hänggi