Berlin 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
HL 88: Quantum Dots and Wires: Transport Properties IV (mainly Double Dots and Point Contacts)
Donnerstag, 29. März 2012, 16:30–18:15, EW 202
16:30 |
HL 88.1 |
A hybrid double-dot in silicon — •Miguel Fernando Gonzalez Zalba, Dominik Heiss, and Andrew Ferguson
16:45 |
HL 88.2 |
(contribution withdrawn) Spin Based Quantum Computation with Quantum Dots Including Micro-Magnet Technique — •Roland Brunner, Yun Suk Shin, Toshiaki Obata, Michel Pioro-Ladriere, Toshihiro Kubo, Koji Yoshida, Tomoyasu Taniyama, Yasuhiro Tokura, and Seigo Tarucha
17:00 |
HL 88.3 |
Magnetotransport in single and double quantum dots in the Kondo regime — •Alexander W. Heine, Daniel Tutuc, and Rolf J. Haug
17:15 |
HL 88.4 |
Magnetic focusing of ballistic photocurrents in mesoscopic circuits — Markus Stallhofer, •Christoph Kastl, Christoph Karnetzky, Dieter Schuh, Werner Wegscheider, Gerhard Abstreiter, Jörg Kotthaus, and Alexander Holleitner
17:30 |
HL 88.5 |
Ballistic photocurrents at the presence of electron-electron scattering — Markus Stallhofer, •Christoph Karnetzky, Marcel Brändlein, Christoph Kastl, Dieter Schuh, Werner Wegscheider, Jörg Kotthaus, and Alexander Holleitner
17:45 |
HL 88.6 |
Metastable charge states in a few electron double quantum dot — •Daniel Biesinger, Martin Brühlmann, Christian Scheller, Dominik M. Zumbühl, Jeramy Zimmerman, and Art C. Gossard
18:00 |
HL 88.7 |
Large nuclear spin polarization in gate-defined quantum dots using a single-domain nanomagnet — •Gunnar Petersen, Eric A. Hoffmann, Dieter Schuh, Werner Wegscheider, and Stefan Ludwig