Berlin 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
HL 89: Focus Session: Quantum Information Systems (jointly with MA,TT)
Donnerstag, 29. März 2012, 16:45–18:15, ER 164
16:45 |
HL 89.1 |
Non-local coupling between spin qubits via a transmission line shuttle — •Peiqing Jin, Michael Marthaler, Alexander Shnirman, and Gerd Schön
17:00 |
HL 89.2 |
Towards quantum information devices based on NV center in low temperature — •Sen Yang, Petr Siyushev, Seyed Ali Momenzadeh, Nan Zhao, Naofumi Abe, Hideo Kosaka, Helmut Fedder, and Jörg Wrachtrup
17:15 |
HL 89.3 |
A quantum memory intrinsic to single nitrogen-vacancy centres in diamond — Gregory D. Fuchs, •Guido Burkard, Paul V. Klimov, and David D. Awschalom
17:30 |
HL 89.4 |
Spin decoherence in graphene quantum dots due to hyperfine interaction — •Moritz Fuchs, Valentin Rychkov, and Björn Trauzettel
17:45 |
HL 89.5 |
Noise spectroscopy using single-shot qubit readout — •Thomas Fink and Hendrik Bluhm
18:00 |
HL 89.6 |
Entangled photons from the polariton vacuum in a switchable optical cavity — •Adrian Auer and Guido Burkard