Berlin 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
HL 96: Focus Session: Semiconductor Nanophotonics - Characterization on the Atomic Scale
Freitag, 30. März 2012, 09:30–12:45, ER 164
09:30 |
HL 96.1 |
Topical Talk:
Atomic Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy of III-Nitride Nanostructues — •M. Albrecht, T. Schulz, T. Markurt, T. Remmele, A. Duff, J. Neugbauer, V. Grillo, J.-L. Rouviere, C. Nennstiel, and A. Hoffmann
10:00 |
HL 96.2 |
Topical Talk:
A cathodoluminescence study of a UV detector based on GaN Quantum Discs built in a single nanowire — •Luiz Zagonel and Mathieu Kociak
10:30 |
HL 96.3 |
Topical Talk:
Lattice parameter accomodation at the GaAs Nanowire to Silicon (111) substrate interface after Ga-assisted MBE growth — •Ullrich Pietsch, Andreas Biermanns, Anton Davydok, Steffen Breuer, Achim Trampert, and Lutz Geelhaar
11:15 |
HL 96.4 |
Topical Talk:
Atomic imaging of binary and quaternary semiconductor nanostructures by cross-sectional STM — •Andrea Lenz
11:45 |
HL 96.5 |
Atomistic insights and controls for compound semiconductor growth by STMBE: STM obseration during MBE growth — •Shiro Tsukamoto
12:15 |
HL 96.6 |
In situ synchrotron x-ray studies during metal-organic chemical vapor deposition of semiconductors — •Carol Thompson, Matthew J. Highland, Edith Perret, Marie-Ingrid Richard, Paul H. Fuoss, Stephen K. Streiffer, and G. Brian Stephenson