Berlin 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
HL 97: Quantum Dots and Wires: Optical Properties IV (mainly Nitrides)
Freitag, 30. März 2012, 10:00–11:30, ER 270
10:00 |
HL 97.1 |
Exciton-Phonon coupling in single GaN quantum dots — •Juri Brunnmeier, Gordon Callsen, Andrei Schliwa, Johannes Settke, Christian Kindel, Erik Stock, Satoshi Kako, Yasuhiko Arakawa, and Axel Hoffmann
10:15 |
HL 97.2 |
Modeling polar exciton-LO-phonon interaction in GaN/AlN quantum dots — •Johannes Settke, Andrei Schliwa, Gordon Callsen, Juri Brunnmeier, Axel Hoffmann, and Christian Thomsen
10:30 |
HL 97.3 |
Strong dipole coupling in nonpolar nitride quantum dots due to Coulomb effects — •Kolja Schuh, Steffan Barthel, Oliver Marquardt, Gerd Czycholl, and Frank Jahnke
10:45 |
HL 97.4 |
Photoluminescence response of Si doped GaN nanowires to pH variations — •Jens Wallys, Florian Furtmayr, Sebastian Koslowski, Jörg Schörmann, Jörg Teubert, and Martin Eickhoff
11:00 |
HL 97.5 |
Luminescence properties of InGaN quantum dots embedded in GaN nanowires — •Pascal Becker, Max Kracht, Florian Furtmayr, Sangam Chatterjee, Alexej Chernikov, Philomela Komninou, Thomas Kehagias, and Martin Eickhoff
11:15 |
HL 97.6 |
µ-Photoluminescence of GaN nanowires with different diameters and pitches grown by selective-area epitaxy on Si substrates — •Christian Hauswald, Tobias Gotschke, Oliver Brandt, Namil Koo, Jung Wuk Kim, Raffaella Calarco, Lutz Geelhaar, and Henning Riechert