09:30 |
MA 23.1 |
Uncovering the Ultrafast Angular Momentum Transfer on the Nanoscale in GdFeCo — •A. Scherz, C. Graves, A.H. Reid, B. Wu, T. Wang, S. de Jong, K. Vahaplar, I. Radu, M. Messerschmidt, R. Coffee, M. Bionta, R. Hartmann, N. Kimmel, S. Epp, A. Tsukamoto, J. Turner, W.F. Schlotter, Y. Acremann, A. Kimel, A. Kirilyuk, J. Stöhr, T. Rasing, and H. Dürr
10:00 |
MA 23.2 |
Bending spin waves around the corner — •Katrin Vogt, Helmut Schultheiss, Shikha Jain, Axel Hoffmann, and Burkard Hillebrands
10:15 |
MA 23.3 |
Mode selective parametric excitation of spin waves in a Ni81Fe19 microstripe — •Thomas Braecher, Philipp Pirro, Björn Obry, Alexander A. Serga, Britta Leven, and Burkard Hillebrands
10:30 |
MA 23.4 |
Micromagnetic study of magnonic band gaps in waveguides with a periodic variation of the saturation magnetization — •Florin Ciubotaru, Andrii V. Chumak, Björn Obry, Alexander A. Serga, and Burkard Hillebrands
10:45 |
MA 23.5 |
Magnon magnetometry of non-linear spin-wave excitations — •Hans G. Bauer, Georg Woltersdorf, Peter Majchrak, Thorsten Kachel, and Christian H. Back
11:00 |
MA 23.6 |
Magnetic Anisotropy and Damping of Rare-Earth Doped Permalloy — •Christoph Zollitsch, Fredrik Hocke, Mathias Weiler, Rudolf Gross, Georg Woltersdorf, Jahn-Ulrich Thiele, Sebastian T.B. Goennenwein, and Hans Huebl
11:30 |
MA 23.7 |
Spindynamics of individual permalloy nanowires — •Nathalie Reckers, Zheng Duan, Ilya Krivorotov, Michael Farle, and Jürgen Lindner
11:45 |
MA 23.8 |
Rotational Doppler Effect in Magnetic Resonance — •Sergi Lendínez, Eugene Chudnovsky, and Javier Tejada
12:00 |
MA 23.9 |
Towards atomistic tight-binding spin dynamics — •S. Rossen, P. Mavropoulos, T. Schena, S. Blügel, and Th. Rasing
12:15 |
MA 23.10 |
Lifting the Degeneracy of Spin Wave Resonances in Three-Dimensional Rolled-Up Microtubes — •Felix Balhorn, Cornelius Bausch, Lennart Moldenhauer, Wolfgang Hansen, Detlef Heitmann, and Stefan Mendach
12:30 |
MA 23.11 |
Quasi uniform modes and standing spinwaves in a single Co-Stripe measured by Ferromagnetic Resonance — •Christian Schöppner, Sven Stienen, Ryszard Narkowicz, Dieter Suter, Ralf Meckenstock, Jürgen Lindner, and Michael Farle
12:45 |
MA 23.12 |
Spin-Wave Interference Patterns: Perfect Imaging with Spin-Waves — •Sebastian Mansfeld, Jesco Topp, Kim Martens, Jan-Niklas Toedt, Daniel Mellem, Wolfgang Hansen, Detlef Heitmann, and Stefan Mendach