Berlin 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MA 24: Joint Session "Soft X-ray Resonant Scattering for Complex Structural and Magnetic Investigations" (jointly with KR), Organization: Eberhard Goering (MPI-IS Stuttgart)
Mittwoch, 28. März 2012, 09:30–12:30, BH 243
09:30 |
MA 24.1 |
Soft X-ray Resonant Magnetic Reflectometry of Ferromagnet/Antiferromagnet Interfaces - Probing the Origin of Exchange Bias — •Sebastian Brück, Gisela Schütz, Kannan M. Krishnan, and Eberhard Goering
10:00 |
MA 24.2 |
Topical Talk:
Orbital reflectometry of nickelate heterostructures — •Eva Benckiser
10:30 |
MA 24.3 |
Manipulating magnetic and electronic ordering phenomena by electric fields and electromagnetic radiation — •Urs Staub
11:15 |
MA 24.4 |
Topical Talk:
Theory of resonant x-ray spectroscopy — •M. W. Haverkort
11:45 |
MA 24.5 |
Topical Talk:
Cycloidal Magnetic Order and Ferroelectricity: Manipulation and Imaging with Soft X-Rays — •Eugen Weschke, Enrico Schierle, Victor Soltwisch, Detlef Schmitz, Andrej Maljuk, and Dimitri Argyriou
12:15 |
MA 24.6 |
Local Magnetic Structure at the Fe3O4/ZnO Interface — •Sebastian Brück, Markus Paul, He Tian, Ozan Kirilmaz, Andreas Müller, Kai Fauth, Eberhard Goering, Jo Verbeeck, Gustaaf van Tendeloo, Michael Sing, and Ralph Claessen