Berlin 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MA 29: Poster related to SYXD: "100 Years since the Laue Experiment: Topical Aspects of Diffraction and Scattering" (jointly with KR, BP, CPP, DF, GP, MI, MM)
Mittwoch, 28. März 2012, 15:00–17:30, Poster E
15:00 |
MA 29.1 |
Clip - The Cologne Laue Indexation Program — •Olaf J. Schumann
15:00 |
MA 29.2 |
A new access to extinction corrections — •Anne K. Hüsecken and Ullrich Pietsch
15:00 |
MA 29.3 |
Evaluation of interfacial orientation information from 3D X-Ray diffraction contrast tomography in and its application in a mesoscale grain coasening model — •Melanie Syha, Fabian Sehn, Andreas Trenkle, and Daniel Weygand
15:00 |
MA 29.4 |
Inter-layer disorder in sodium cobaltate — •David Jonathan Pryce Morris, Alan Tennant, Klaus Seiffert, Esther Dudzik, Dharmalingam Prabhakaran, Jon Goff, Michel Roger, and Jon Wright