Berlin 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MA 30: Focus Session "Spin Currents in Magnetic Nanostructures", Organization: Mathias Kläui (Univ. Mainz)
Mittwoch, 28. März 2012, 15:00–18:45, EB 301
15:00 |
MA 30.1 |
Spin transfer in conducting and insulating magnetic systems — •Yaroslav Tserkovnyak
15:30 |
MA 30.2 |
Topical Talk:
Spin pumping with photons and phonons — •Mathias Weiler, Franz D. Czeschka, Hans Huebl, Frederik S. Goerg, Matthias Althammer, Lukas Dreher, Martin S. Brandt, Rudolf Gross, and Sebastian T. B. Goennenwein
16:00 |
MA 30.3 |
Generation of superdiffusive spin-currents through femtosecond laser excitation of ferromagnetic/non-magnetic hybrid structures — •Peter M. Oppeneer, Marco Battiato, Karel Carva, and Pablo Maldonado
16:30 |
MA 30.4 |
Spin filtering in spinel ferrite CoFe2O4 — •Michael Foerster, Diego F. Gutierrez, and Josep Fontcuberta
16:50 |
MA 30.5 |
Lateral Spin Valves: Transport Measurements and Magnetization Dynamics — •Guido Meier
17:30 |
MA 30.6 |
All-electrical spin injection and detection in lateral Co2FeSi/GaAs devices — •Pawel Bruski, Rouin Farshchi, Oliver Brandt, Jens Herfort, Abbes Tahraoui, and Manfred Ramsteiner
17:45 |
MA 30.7 |
Optimization of spin injection and detection in lateral nanostructures by geometrical means — •Ondřej Stejskal, Jaroslav Hamrle, and Jaromír Pištora
18:00 |
MA 30.8 |
Wave-diffusion theory of spin transport in metals after ultrashort-pulse excitation — •Steffen Kaltenborn, Yao-Hui Zhu, and Hans Christian Schneider
18:15 |
MA 30.9 |
Direct detection of magnon spin transport by the inverse spin Hall effect — •Andrii Chumak, Benjamin Jungfleisch, Alexander Serga, Roland Neb, and Burkard Hillebrands
18:30 |
MA 30.10 |
Light-induced spin pumping in two-dimensional electron systems with random Rashba spin-orbit interaction — •Vitalii Dugaev, Michal Inglot, Evgeny Sherman, Jamal Berakdar, and Jozef Barnas