16:00 |
MA 32.1 |
Observation and quantitative evaluation of superparamagnetic behavior utilizing magnetic exchange force microscopy and spectroscopy — •Schwarz Alexander, Schmidt Rene, and Wiesendanger Roland
16:15 |
MA 32.2 |
Possible detection of spin contrast on NiO(001) by AFM using a qPlus sensor with a bulk iron tip — •Florian Pielmeier and Franz J. Giessibl
16:30 |
MA 32.3 |
First-principles study of the magnetic exchange interaction across a vacuum gap — •Cesar Lazo and Stefan Heinze
16:45 |
MA 32.4 |
Micromagnetic simulations of the spin spiral state in bi-atomic Fe chains on Ir(001) — •Matthias Menzel, Yuriy Mokrousov, Robert Wieser, Jessica Bickel, Elena Vedmedenko, Stefan Blügel, Stefan Heinze, Kirsten von Bergmann, André Kubetzka, and Roland Wiesendanger
17:15 |
MA 32.5 |
Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya driven spin spiral in Mn chains on Pt(664) — •Benedikt Schweflinghaus, Bernd Zimmermann, Marcus Heide, Gustav Bihlmayer, and Stefan Blügel
17:30 |
MA 32.6 |
Competing interactions and chiral magnetism in Mn1/X(111), X = Pd, Pt, Ag and Au — •Manuel dos Santos Dias, Julie Staunton, Andras Deak, and Laszlo Szunyogh
17:45 |
MA 32.7 |
Tunneling anisotropic magnetoresistance on the atomic scale — •Kirsten von Bergmann, Matthias Menzel, David Serrate, Yasuo Yoshida, André Kubetzka, Roland Wiesendanger, and Stefan Heinze
18:00 |
MA 32.8 |
The spin structure of Mn on Co/Cu(001) studied by spin-polarized STM with bulk Cr tips and bulk Fe ring probes — •Chii-Bin Wu, Jiaming Song, and Wolfgang Kuch
18:15 |
MA 32.9 |
Exchange interactions in Fe clusters on Rh(111) and Ru(0001) from first principles — •Fabian Otte, Paolo Ferriani, and Stefan Heinze
18:30 |
MA 32.10 |
SP-STM study of individual Co atoms on Pd/Co/Ir(111) — •Liudmila Dzemiantsova, André Kubetzka, Kirsten von Bergmann, and Roland Wiesendanger
18:45 |
MA 32.11 |
(contribution withdrawn) How the local environment affects the magnetic anisotropy and Kondo Screening of a high-spin atom — •Jenny C. Oberg, Reyes M. Calvo, and Cyrus F. Hirjibehedin