15:00 |
MA 34.1 |
Magnetic vortex core reversal by excitation of spin waves — •Hermann Stoll, Matthias Kammerer, Markus Weigand, Michael Curcic, Matthias Noske, Markus Sproll, Arne Vansteenkiste, Bartel Van Waeyenberge, Georg Woltersdorf, Christian H. Back, and Gisela Schütz
15:15 |
MA 34.2 |
Switching the magnetic vortex core by combined gyromode and spin wave excitation. — •Markus Sproll, Matthias Kammerer, Markus Weigand, Matthias Noske, Ajay Gangwar, Georg Woltersdorf, Hermann Stoll, and Gisela Schütz
15:30 |
MA 34.3 |
Vortex core reversal by pulsed orthogonal magnetic fields of 100 ps duration and below — •Matthias Noske, Markus Weigand, Matthias Kammerer, Markus Sproll, Ajay Gangwar, Hermann Stoll, Georg Woltersdorf, and Gisela Schütz
15:45 |
MA 34.4 |
Ultrafast switching of ferrimagnets — Sönke Wienholdt, Denise Hinzke, Peter Openeer, and •Ulrich Nowak
16:00 |
MA 34.5 |
Electron- and phonon-mediated ultrafast magnetization dynamics of Gd — •M. Sultan, A. Melnikov, U. Atxitia, O. C. Fesenko, and U. Bovensiepen
16:15 |
MA 34.6 |
Fs-time and momentum resolved resonant magnetic x-ray scattering on EuTe — •Christoph Trabant, Niko Pontius, Enrico Schierle, Eugen Weschke, Torsten Kachel, Rolf Mitzner, Christian Schüßler-Langeheine, Günther Springholz, and Karsten Holldack
16:30 |
MA 34.7 |
Laser induced heating of thin nickel films investigated by time-resolved electron diffraction — •Carla Streubühr, Thorsten Brazda, Ping Zhou, Dietrich von der Linde, and Uwe Bovensiepen
17:00 |
MA 34.8 |
Gilbert damping parameter for transition metals and alloys at finite temperature: first-pinciples calculations — •S. Mankovsky, D. Koedderitzsch, and H. Ebert
17:15 |
MA 34.9 |
Accessing the timescale of indirect exchange interaction in GdTb alloy by time-resolved x-ray spectroscopy — •Andrea Eschenlohr, Alexey Melnikov, Jens Wieczorek, Nicolas Bergeard, Christian Stamm, Torsten Kachel, Rolf Mitzner, Karsten Holldack, Marko Wietstruk, Kristian Döbrich, Martin Weinelt, and Uwe Bovensiepen
17:30 |
MA 34.10 |
Precessional dynamics and damping in Co/Cu/Py spin valves — •Ruslan Salikhov, Radu Abrudan, Frank Brüssing, Stefan Buschhorn, Melanie Ewerlin, Durga Mishra, Florin Radu, Ilgiz A. Garifullin, and Hartmut Zabel
17:45 |
MA 34.11 |
Small damping constant for Ni/Co multilayers with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy — •Markus Härtinger, Christian H. Back, See-Hun Yang, Stuart S. P. Parkin, and Georg Woltersdorf
18:00 |
MA 34.12 |
Micromagnetic simulation of spin wave mediated synchronization between two pointcontact spin torque nano-oscillators — •Thomas Kendziorczyk and Tilmann Kuhn
18:15 |
MA 34.13 |
Quantum mechanical contribution to the magnon dispersion in the Heisenberg model — •Julian Hüser and Tilmann Kuhn
18:30 |
MA 34.14 |
Photo-magnonics: Influence of antidot-lattice symmetry on spin-wave Bloch states — •Benjamin Lenk, Nils Abeling, Jelena Panke, and Markus Münzenberg