15:00 |
MA 35.1 |
Topical Talk:
Heusler compounds: theory and experiments on their electronic structure. — •G. H. Fecher
15:30 |
MA 35.2 |
Ab initio investigation of Co2FeSi1−xZx and Co2Fe1−xZ1+x Heusler alloys: Magnetism and tetragonal instability — •Heike C. Herper and Peter Entel
15:45 |
MA 35.3 |
Optical properties of Co2FeZ half-metallic Heusler compounds — •Jaroslav Hamrle, Dominik Legut, Kamil Postava, Jaromír Pištora, Enrique Vilanova, Mirko Emmel, and Gerhard Jakob
16:00 |
MA 35.4 |
Electronic, structural, and magnetic properties of the half-metallic ferromagnetic quaternary Heusler compounds CoFeMnZ (Z = Al, Ga, Si, Ge) — •Vajiheh Alijani, Juergen Winterlik, Gerhard Fecher, and Claudia Felser
16:15 |
MA 35.5 |
Curie temperatures of Mn2CoZ inverse Heusler compounds — •Markus Meinert, Jan Schmalhorst, and Günter Reiss
16:45 |
MA 35.6 |
Pressure dependence of Curie temperature and resistivity of complex Heusler alloys — •Vaclav Drchal, Shyamal Bose, Josef Kudrnovsky, and Ilja Turek
17:00 |
MA 35.7 |
Structural and magnetic properties of Mn2Rh1−xCoxSn and Mn2+xRh1−xSn Heusler alloys — •Olga Meshcheriakova, Juergen Winterlik, Gerhard Fecher, and Claudia Felser
17:15 |
MA 35.8 |
Electronic properties of Co2FexMn1−xSi Heusler alloys studied by hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. — •A. Gloskovskii, S. Thiess, S. Ouardi, G. H. Fecher, W. Drube, B. Detlefs, T. Kubota, Y. Ando, and C. Felser
17:30 |
MA 35.9 |
Symmetry of valence states of Heusler compounds explored by linear dichroism in hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy — •S. Ouardi, G. H. Fecher, C. Shekhar, B. Balke, A. Gloskovskii, C. Felser, E. Ikenaga, S. Ueda, and K. Kobayashi
17:45 |
MA 35.10 |
Elastic properties and stability of tetragonal Heusler compound — •S. S. Naghavi, S.-C. Wu, G. H. Fecher, and C. Felser