09:30 |
MA 38.1 |
Tailored Magnetic Anisotropy in Amorphous Co68Fe24Zr8 Thin Films — •Yu Fu, Igor Barsukov, Hossein Raanaei, Marina Spasova, Jürgen Lindner, Ralf Meckenstock, Björgvin Hjörvarsson, and Michael Farle
09:45 |
MA 38.2 |
Temperature driven oscillatory magnetic anisotropy in ultrathin ferromagnetic films — Maciej Dabrowski, •Marek Przybylski, Marek Cinal, and Jürgen Kirschner
10:00 |
MA 38.3 |
Morphology and magnetism of MnSi thin films — •Josefin Engelke, Tommy Reimann, Dirk Menzel, and Stefan Süllow
10:15 |
MA 38.4 |
Magnetic properties of epitaxial Nd(1−x)PrxCo5 thin films grown on Al2O3(0001) — •Stephan Zimmermann, Marietta Seifert, Ludwig Schultz, and Volker Neu
10:30 |
MA 38.5 |
An amorphous model system for the 2D XY universality class — •Andreas Liebig, Panagiotis Korelis, Martina Ahlberg, Manfred Albrecht, and Björgvin Hjörvarsson
10:45 |
MA 38.6 |
X-ray Magnetic Linear Dichroism in reflection at the 2p and 3p edges of antiferro-magnetic MnNi and NiO — •Marc Tesch, Markus Gilbert, Hans-Christoph Mertins, Daniel Bürgler, Claus Schneider, and Peter Oppeneer
11:00 |
MA 38.7 |
Analysis of anisotropy constants for Co50Fe50 and Fe films investigated by MOKE — •Timo Kuschel, Jaroslav Hamrle, Jaromir Pistora, Kesami Saito, Subrojati Bosu, Yuya Sakuraba, Koki Takanashi, Henrik Wilkens, and Joachim Wollschläger
11:30 |
MA 38.8 |
Fe100−xGax for magnetostrictive applications: from thin films to nanowires — •Diana Iselt, Alexander Funk, Heike Schlörb, and Ludwig Schultz
11:45 |
MA 38.9 |
Fe32Co44Hf12N12/TiN multilayer coatings for non-contact high frequency sensor applications — •Kathrin Krüger, Klaus Seemann, Harald Leiste, Michael Stüber, and Sven Ulrich
12:00 |
MA 38.10 |
Structural characterisation of exchange biased thin film systems with Grazing Incidence X-ray Diffraction — •Markus Meyl and Arno Ehresmann
12:15 |
MA 38.11 |
Structural and magnetic dynamics of a laser induced phase transition in FeRh — •Federico Pressacco, Simon O. Mariager, Eduardo Mancini, Andrin Caviezel, Ekaterina Vorobeva, Paul Beaud, Steven L. Johnson, Chris Milne, Eric Fullerton, Robert Feidenhans’l, Christoph Quitmann, Gerhard Ingold, and Christian H. Back
12:30 |
MA 38.12 |
Magneto-optical coupling in ferromagnetic thin films investigated by VMOGE — •Kahming Mok, Camelia Scarlat, György J. Kovacs, Lin Li, Vitaly Zviagin, Jeffrey McCord, Manfred Helm, and Heidemarie Schmidt
12:45 |
MA 38.13 |
The importance of beyond-Heisenberg interactions in ferromagnetic metal/antiferromagnetic oxides interfaces — •Valerio Bellini, Gustav Bihlmayer, Franca Manghi, and Stefan Blügel