09:30 |
MA 39.1 |
Room Temperature Magnetometry of an Individual Iron Filled Carbon Nanotube Acting as Nanocantilever — •Stefan Philippi, Uhland Weißker, Thomas Mühl, Albrecht Leonhardt, and Bernd Büchner
09:45 |
MA 39.2 |
X-ray microdiffraction studies on complex magnetoelectric composites with defined microstructures — •Stjepan Hrkac, Madjid Abes, Christian Koops, Christina Krywka, Martin Müller, Sören Kaps, Rainer Adelung, Olaf Magnussen, and Bridget Murphy
10:00 |
MA 39.3 |
Structure, microstructure and magnetic properties of electrodeposited Fe70Pd30 nanowires — •Veronika Haehnel, Christine Mickel, Heike Schlörb, Sebastian Fähler, and Ludwig Schultz
10:15 |
MA 39.4 |
Magnetic coupling and magnetic anisotropy of iron doped platinum wires — •Lucila Juarez and Gustavo Pastor
10:30 |
MA 39.5 |
Directed self-assembly of (sub-)phthalocyanine submonolayers by magnetic stray field landscapes — •Florian Ahrend, Ulrich Glebe, Tobias Weidner, Ulrich Siemeling, and Arno Ehresmann
10:45 |
MA 39.6 |
Defect-induced ferromagnetism in SiC — •Yutian Wang, Lin Li, Slawomir Prucnal, Kay Potzger, Shengqiang Zhou, Zhaorong Yang, Wolfgang Anwand, and Andreas Wagner
11:00 |
MA 39.7 |
Formation of spin-spiral states in Fe zig-zag chains and ladders: A first principles study — •Muhammad Tanveer, Pedro Ruiz-Díaz, and Gustavo Pastor
11:30 |
MA 39.8 |
Highly coercive and textured SmCo5 nanoflakes prepared by surfactant assisted high energy ball milling — •Santosh Kumar Pal, Juliane Thielsch, Ludwig Schultz, and Oliver Gutfleisch
11:45 |
MA 39.9 |
Magneto-static interaction of single NiFe nanostructures — •Philipp Staeck, Mahmoud Reza Rahbar Azad, André Kobs, Daniel Stickler, Björn Beyersdorff, Hendrik Spahr, Robert Frömter, and Hans Peter Oepen
12:00 |
MA 39.10 |
Temperature dependent switching of single superparamagnetic nanodots — •Alexander Neumann, Carsten Thönnißen, Simon Heße, Andreas Meyer, and Hans Peter Oepen
12:15 |
MA 39.11 |
Mesoscopic magnetic structure and competing anisotropies in laterally structured Fe / Cr-layer systems — •Markus Schmitz, Alexander Weber, Emmanuel Kentzinger, Elisabeth Josten, Ulrich Rücker, and Thomas Brückel
12:30 |
MA 39.12 |
Magnetic reversal in a laterally structured spin valve system with one tunable magnetic layer — •Frank Brüssing, Melanie Ewerlin, Radu Abrudan, and Hartmut Zabel
12:45 |
MA 39.13 |
Fabrication and characterization of patterned exchange-coupled trilayers — •M. Langer, J. Osten, A. Neudert, M. Körner, A. Banholzer, I. Mönch, R. Mattheis, J. Fassbender, and J. McCord