15:00 |
MA 46.1 |
Local pinning in Co ferromagnetic nanowires induced by ion irradiation — •Luis Serrano-Ramón, Amalio Fernández-Pacheco, Rosa Córdoba, Tolek Tyliszczak, Ricardo Ibarra, and José M. de Teresa
15:15 |
MA 46.2 |
Magnetic tunnel junctions based on zinc ferrite and cobalt — •Michael Bonholzer, Kerstin Brachwitz, Katja Mexner, Jan Zippel, Michael Lorenz, and Marius Grundmann
15:30 |
MA 46.3 |
Stretchable Magnetoelectronics — •Michael Melzer, Daniil Karnaushenko, Gungun Lin, Denys Makarov, Ingolf J. Mönch, and Oliver G. Schmidt
15:45 |
MA 46.4 |
Simulations of magneto-optical surface plasmon resonance (MOSPR) effects in Au/Co/Au trilayers for biosensing — •Sebastian Kübler, Kerstin Kämpf, Friedrich Wilhelm Herberg, and Arno Ehresmann
16:00 |
MA 46.5 |
Spectroscopic observation of strain-assisted TC enhancement in EuO upon Gd doping — •S. G. Altendorf, N. Hollmann, R. Sutarto, C. Caspers, R. C. Wicks, Y.-Y. Chin, Z. Hu, H. Kierspel, I. S. Elfimov, H. H. Hsieh, H.-J. Lin, C. T. Chen, and L. H. Tjeng
16:15 |
MA 46.6 |
Novel orbital ordering and Raman modes in 2p magnetic CsO2 — •baomin zhang, s. riyadi, t. t. m. palstra, g. a. de wijs, r. a. de groot, and g. r. blake
16:30 |
MA 46.7 |
All-Electron Hybrid-Functional Calculations of the Europium Chalcogenides — •Martin Schlipf, Markus Betzinger, Marjana Ležaić, Christoph Friedrich, and Stefan Blügel
16:45 |
MA 46.8 |
Angular depedence of XMCD/XMLD of MnNi at Mn L2,3 and M2,3 edges — •Dominik Legut, Jan Rusz, and Peter Oppeneer