Berlin 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MA 47: Micro- and Nanostructured Magnetic Materials II
Donnerstag, 29. März 2012, 17:15–19:00, EB 202
17:15 |
MA 47.1 |
Magnetism on Curved Surfaces — •Robert Streubel, Denys Makarov, Florian Kronast, and Oliver G. Schmidt
17:30 |
MA 47.2 |
Energy Landscapes and magnetization dynamics of nanostructured magnetic materials — •David Gallina, Peter Jensen, and Gustavo M. Pastor
17:45 |
MA 47.3 |
Anisotropic magnetoresistance in self-assembled antidot arrays — •Felix Häring, Ulf Wiedwald, Lorenz Lechner, and Paul Ziemann
18:00 |
MA 47.4 |
Magnetization reversal processes in Fe1−xTbx nanodot arrays — •C. Schubert, P. K. Arekapudi, B. Hebler, H. Schletter, A. Liebig, F. Radu, and M. Albrecht
18:15 |
MA 47.5 |
Hard magnetic (001)-textured FePtCu bit patterned media — •Patrick Matthes, Torbjörn Eriksson, Thomas Werner, Beate Mainz, and Manfred Albrecht
18:30 |
MA 47.6 |
Magnetization reversal in dipolarly coupled PdFe nanodot arrays — •Melanie Ewerlin, Derya Demirbas, Frank Brüssing, Oleg Petracic, and Hartmut Zabel
18:45 |
MA 47.7 |
Co/Pd multilayers on SiOx pillar arrays at ultra-high density — •Fabian Ganss, Birgit Hebler, Andrea Cattoni, Anne-Marie Haghiri-Gosnet, and Manfred Albrecht