15:15 |
MA 49.1 |
Ultimate limit of electron-spin precession upon reflection in ferromagnetic films — A. Hallal, T. Berdot, P. Dey, L. Tati Bismaths, L. Joly, A. Bourzami, F. Scheurer, H. Bulou, •J. Henk, M. Alouani, and W. Weber
15:30 |
MA 49.2 |
High resolution electron energy loss spectroscopic studies of surface spin waves in ultrathin Co films on Cu(001) — •Rajeswari Jayaraman, Harald Ibach, Antonio Toninho Costa, and Claus Michael Schneider
15:45 |
MA 49.3 |
Ultrafast Magnetization Dynamics of Gadolinium and Terbium Studied by XUV Photoelectron Spectroscopy — •Martin Teichmann, Kristian Döbrich, Björn Frietsch, Cornelius Gahl, Robert Carley, Olaf Schwarzkopf, Philippe Wernet, and Martin Weinelt
16:00 |
MA 49.4 |
Structural aspects of magnetic coupling in a bilayer CoO(111) on Ir(100) — Florian Mittendorfer, Raimund Podloucky, and •Josef Redinger
16:15 |
MA 49.5 |
Interfacial uniaxial anisotropy and magnetization reversal of Fe/BaTiO3(001) layers — •Vasili Hari Babu, Remya Kunjuveettil Govind, Joachim Gräfe, Martin Welke, Karl-Michael Schindler, and Reinhard Denecke
16:30 |
MA 49.6 |
Electric-field induced phase transition in Fe/Ni(111) — •Lukas Gerhard, Moritz Peter, and Wulf Wulfhekel
16:45 |
MA 49.7 |
Enhanced magnetoelastic coupling of Fe layers on the NiO/Ag(001) — •Anita Dhaka, Dirk Sander, and Jürgen Kirschner
17:00 |
MA 49.8 |
Growth mode and atomic structure of MnSi thin films on the Si(111) surface — •Benjamin Geisler, Peter Kratzer, Takayuki Suzuki, Theresa Lutz, Giovanni Costantini, and Klaus Kern
17:30 |
MA 49.9 |
Surface morphology and atomic structure of Fe3Si on GaAs(001) and GaAs(110) and magnetic correlations — •Sani Noor, Igor Barsukov, M. Samet Özkan, Lina Elbers, Nikita Melnichak, Benjamin Geisler, Jürgen Lindner, Peter Kratzer, and Ulrich Köhler
17:45 |
MA 49.10 |
Interplay between magnetic anisotropy and quantum-well states in thin magnetic films — •Tamene Dasa, Pavel Ignatiev, and Valeriy Stepanyuk
18:00 |
MA 49.11 |
Effect of the external electric field on surface states — •Pavel Ignatiev, Oleg Brovko, and Valeri Stepanyuk
18:15 |
MA 49.12 |
Quantum Spin Holography with Surface State Electrons — •Oleg O. Brovko and Valeri S. Stepanyuk
18:30 |
MA 49.13 |
First-principles investigation of energy– and impurity–dependent electron focusing effect — •Mohammed Bouhassoune, Peter H. Dederichs, Stefan Blügel, and Samir Lounis
18:45 |
MA 49.14 |
Spin-dependent two-electron emission from ferromagnetic Fe(001) — •Jürgen Kirschner, Frank O. Schumann, Carsten Winkler, Franz Giebels, Herbert Gollisch, and Roland Feder
19:00 |
MA 49.15 |
Extending the two-dimensional electron spin-filter to a larger range of scattering energies and angles — •D. Kutnyakhov, K. Medjanik, S.A. Nepijko, H.J. Elmers, G. Schönhense, C. Tusche, J. Kirschner, F. Giebels, H. Gollisch, and R. Feder