09:30 |
MI 4.1 |
The discovery of X-ray interferences, the role of characteristic radiation therein and potential applications of the Laue method in modern engineering. — •Hans-Jürgen Ullrich, Siegfried Däbritz, Enrico Langer, Jürgen Bauch, Andreas Danilewsky, and Peter Paufler
10:00 |
MI 4.2 |
Thermal diffuse scattering as a complementary tool in the study of lattice dynamics — Björn Wehinger, Alexeï Bosak, and •Michael Krisch
10:15 |
MI 4.3 |
Brillouin scattering of ultrashort optical and x-ray pulses from quasi-monochromatic phonon wavepackets — •Marc Herzog, André Bojahr, Jevgenij Goldshteyn, Steffen Mitscherling, Wolfram Leitenberger, Dmitry Khakhulin, Michael Wulff, Ionela Vrejoiu, Roman Shayduk, Peter Gaal, and Matias Bargheer
10:30 |
MI 4.4 |
Following Strain-Induced Mosaicity Changes of PbZr0.2Ti0.8O3 Thin Films by Ultrafast Reciprocal Space Mapping — •Daniel Schick, André Bojahr, Marc Herzog, Peter Gaal, and Matias Bargheer
10:45 |
MI 4.5 |
Analysis of the size and shape of colloidally prepared nanocrystals by Rietveld refinement — •Holger Borchert, Xiaodong Wang, Marta Kruszynska, Joanna Kolny-Olesiak, and Jürgen Parisi
11:00 |
MI 4.6 |
Strain measurement in semiconductor nanostructures by convergent electron nanoprobe diffraction — •Knut Müller, Andreas Rosenauer, Marco Schowalter, Josef Zweck, Rafael Fritz, and Kerstin Volz
11:30 |
MI 4.7 |
Theory of Electron Magnetic Circular Dichroism — •Jan Rusz
11:45 |
MI 4.8 |
Magnetic structure of magnetoelectric NdFe3(BO3)4 under applied magnetic fields — •Jorge E. Hamann-Borrero, Sven Partzsch, Sergio Valencia, Claudio Mazzoli, Christian Hess, A. Vasiliev, L. Bezmaternikh, Bernd Büchner, and Jochen Geck
12:00 |
MI 4.9 |
Monoclinic Symmetry in Barium Titanate — Christian Eisenschmidt, •Hans Theo Langhammer, and Günther Schmidt
12:15 |
MI 4.10 |
Multilayer Optics for Modern X-ray Analytical Equipment — •Andreas Kleine, Jörg Wiesmann, Bernd Hasse, Jürgen Graf, Uwe Heidorn, Steffen Kroth, Frank Hertlein, and Carsten Michaelsen
12:30 |
MI 4.11 |
Reconstruction phenomena at the interfaces of LaCoO3 single films: A resonant x-ray reflectivity study — •Jorge E. Hamann-Borrero, Abdullah Radi, Woo Seok Choi, Sebastian Macke, Ronny Sutarto, Feizhou He, George A. Sawatzky, Ho Nyung Lee, and Vladimir Hinkov