Berlin 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MI 5: X-ray spectrometry and analysis of works of art
Mittwoch, 28. März 2012, 09:30–12:15, TA 201
09:30 |
MI 5.1 |
Das Arkanum von Meissener Porzellan: Beharrung oder Wandel? — •Christian Neelmeijer, Ulrich Pietsch und Heike Ulbricht
10:15 |
MI 5.2 |
From micro to nano - new X-ray techniques as depth sensors for material characterization — •Ioanna Mantouvalou, Lars Lühl, Marcel Pagels, Wolfgang Malzer, and Birgit Kanngießer
11:00 |
MI 5.3 |
Investigation of the manufacturing process of attic shards by X-ray absorption spectroscopy — •Lars Lühl, Sammia Mahlkow, Eleni Aloupi, and Birgit Kanngießer
11:15 |
MI 5.4 |
Limits of detection of µ-XRF with the SEM/EDS for RoHS relevant elements — •Vanessa Rackwitz, Markus Ostermann, Ulrich Panne, and Vasile-Dan Hodoroaba
11:30 |
MI 5.5 |
Mikro-Röntgenfluoreszenz für die schnelle und empfindliche ortsabhängige Elementanalytik — •Michael Haschke, Ulrich Waldschläger, Roald Tagle und Uwe Rossek
11:45 |
MI 5.6 |
Quantitative 3D micro-XRF analysis with laboratory setup — •Timo Wolff, Wolfgang Malzer, Christian Herzog, and Birgit Kanngießer
12:00 |
MI 5.7 |
Advanced light element and low energy X-ray analysis of ceramics and ceramic-metal joints using SEM/EDX with Silicon Drift Detectors (SDD) — •Tobias Salge, Orkun Tunckan, Ralf Terborg, Vasile-Dan Hodoroaba, and Servet Turan