15:00 |
MI 8.1 |
XRF-instrumentation for polarization-dependent and reference-free nano-analysis as well as design study for 450 mm wafer-analysis — Jan Weser, Janin Lubeck, and •Ina Holfelder
15:00 |
MI 8.2 |
Alternative thin film and ion beam lithographic processing approaches for the fabrication of Fresnel zone plates — •Kahraman Keskinbora, Corinne Grévent, Markus Weigand, Mato Knez, Adriana Szeghalmi, Nadzeyka Achim, Lloyd Peto, Anatoly Snigirev, and Gisela Schütz
15:00 |
MI 8.3 |
Untersuchungen zur Biokorrosion an mittelalterlichen Kirchenfenstern der Kathedrale von Tours (Frankreich) und des Meißner Doms (Deutschland) mittels REM/EDX — Evelyn Krawczyk-Bärsch und •Siegfried Däbritz
15:00 |
MI 8.4 |
Precision of high-resolution EBSD strain determination using cross-correlation and phase-only correlation — •Thomas Riedl, Horst Wendrock, and Stefan Wege
15:00 |
MI 8.5 |
Refinement of diffraction contrast tomography data by EBSD measurements at selected cross sections — •Melanie Syha, Andreas Graff, Frank Altmann, Daniel Weygand, and Peter Gumbsch
15:00 |
MI 8.6 |
Spectroscopic investigation of silicon polymorphs formed by indentation — •Martin Schade, Bianca Haberl, and Hartmut S. Leipner
15:00 |
MI 8.7 |
Quantitative STEM of Sn-Pd Nanoparticles with Core-Shell Structures — •Dietrich Häußler, Bernhard Schaffer, Ferdinand Hofer, and Wolfgang Jäger
15:00 |
MI 8.8 |
Cross-Section STEM Study of Bonding Concepts for Solar Cells — •Dietrich Häußler, Mert Kurttepeli, Stephanie Essig, Karen Derendorf, Frank Dimroth, and Wolfgang Jäger
15:00 |
MI 8.9 |
Dislocations and cracks in deformed GaN — •Ingmar Ratschinski, Hartmut S. Leipner, Jörg Haeberle, Reinhard Krause-Rehberg, Ludovic Thilly, Wolfgang Fränzel, Gunnar Leibiger, and Frank Habel
15:00 |
MI 8.10 |
Perturbed γ-γ angular correlation – applications in terms of elastic and plastic deformation in MAX phases — •Christoph Brüsewitz, Daniel Jürgens, Michael Uhrmacher, Ulrich Vetter, Hans Hofsäss, and Michel W. Barsoum
15:00 |
MI 8.11 |
Precise determination of force microscopy cantilever stiffness from dimensions and eigenfrequencies — •Jannis Lübbe, Lutz Doering, and Michael Reichling
15:00 |
MI 8.12 |
How to operate a non-contact atomic force microscope (NC-AFM) for ultra-high vacuum applications at the thermal noise limit — •Matthias Temmen, Jannis Lübbe, Sebastian Rode, Philipp Rahe, Angelika Kühnle, and Michael Reichling
15:00 |
MI 8.13 |
Test-objects for emission electron microscopy — •Sergej A. Nepijko and Gerd Schönhense
15:00 |
MI 8.14 |
Towards a deeper understanding of the dynamic properties of cantilever probes — •Maria-Astrid Schröter, Christiane Weimann, and Heinz Sturm
15:00 |
MI 8.15 |
Beams of Highly Charged Ions for Micrometer Surface Structuring and Analysis — •Mike Schmidt, Günter Zschornack, Vladimir Ovsyannikov, and Jacques Gierak
15:00 |
MI 8.16 |
Proton Beam Writing in semiconductors: A new approach towards MEMS devices — Martina Schulte-Borchers, •Ulrich Vetter, and Hans Hofsäss