Berlin 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MM 14: Topical Session Bulk Nanostrucured Materials III - Microstructure and Characterization I
Montag, 26. März 2012, 15:45–17:15, H 0107
15:45 |
MM 14.1 |
Absolute concentration of free volumes and related properties of ultrafine grained metals studied by time-dependent dilatometry — Bernd Oberdorfer, •Eva-Maria Steyskal, Wolfgang Sprengel, Michael Zehetbauer, Reinhard Pippan, and Roland Würschum
16:00 |
MM 14.2 |
Re-ordering of FeAl made nanocrystalline by high pressure torsion — •Christoph Gammer, Clemens Mangler, Hans-Peter Karnthaler, and Christian Rentenberger
16:15 |
MM 14.3 |
High-pressure torsion induced open volume defects in Al-3wt%Cu investigated by positron annihilation spectroscopy — •Peter Parz, Michael Faller, Reinhard Pippan, Werner Puff, and Roland Würschum
16:30 |
MM 14.4 |
DSC investigations on lattice defects in hydrogenated Pd processed by High Pressure Torsion — •Daria Setman, Maciej Krystian, Matthias Bönisch, Gerhard Krexner, and Michael Zehetbauer
16:45 |
MM 14.5 |
Self-similarity in junction controlled grain growth — •Dana Zöllner and Peter Streitenberger
17:00 |
MM 14.6 |
Laser ultrasound for evaluation of microstructure of HPT nickel — Victor V. Kozhushko, •Heinz Krenn, and Reinhard Pippan