Berlin 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MM 20: Topical Session Bulk Nanostrucured Materials IV - Microstructure and Characterization II
Dienstag, 27. März 2012, 10:15–11:30, H 0107
10:15 |
MM 20.1 |
Topical Talk:
Stabilisation of nanocrystalline materials by defects — •Harald Rösner
10:45 |
MM 20.2 |
Quantitative grain size and twin density analysis by TEM-OIM measurements for tensile testing of nanocrystalline Pd — •Aaron Kobler, Anna Castrup, Christian Kübel, and Horst Hahn
11:00 |
MM 20.3 |
Electron microscopic studies of Ni3Ge deformed by high pressure torsion — •Andreas Grill, Hans-Peter Karnthaler, and Christian Rentenberger
11:15 |
MM 20.4 |
Texture evolution in NiAl deformed by high pressure torsion — •Christine Tränkner, Robert Chulist, Werner Skrotzki, Benoit Beausir, Thomas Lippmann, Jelena Horky, and Michael Zehetbauer