Berlin 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MM 23: Topical Session Bulk Nanostrucured Materials V - Microstructure and Characterization III
Dienstag, 27. März 2012, 11:30–13:00, H 0107
11:30 |
MM 23.1 |
X-ray line profile analysis of in-situ tensile deformation experiments of nanocrystalline palladium thin films — •Michael Kerber, Patric Gruber, Rudolf Baumbusch, Jochen Lohmiller, Anna Castrup, Erhard Schafler, Oliver Kraft, Michael Zehetbauer, and Horst Hahn
11:45 |
MM 23.2 |
Nano crystallization in glasses, their structure and chemistry as analyzed by anomalous small angle X-ray scattering — •Vikram Singh Raghuwanshi, Armin Hoell, Ruzha Harizanova, and Christian Rüssel
12:00 |
MM 23.3 |
Following deformation mechanisms in nanocrystalline Ni and PdAu using diffraction techniques — •Patric Gruber, Jochen Lohmiller, Oliver Kraft, Christian Braun, Manuel Grewer, Rainer Birringer, Kerstin Schüler, Aaron Kobler, Christian Kübel, and Veijo Honkimäki
12:15 |
MM 23.4 |
Elemental distribution and solid solubility of nanocrystalline near-equilibrium Fe and Cu alloys — •Thomas Riedl, Alexander Kirchner, Konrad Eymann, Ralf Schlesiger, Ahmed Shariq, and Bernd Kieback
12:30 |
MM 23.5 |
Metallic Nanoglasses: Structure, Stability and Mechanical Properties — Karsten Albe, •Yvonne Ritter, Daniel Sopu, and Herberg Gleiter
12:45 |
MM 23.6 |
Chemical disordering in intermetallic FeAl induced by cold rolling and folding — •Anna Findeisen, C. Gammer, C. Rentenberger, J. Eckert, and H.P. Karnthaler