Berlin 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MM 24: Functional Materials II
Dienstag, 27. März 2012, 11:30–12:30, H 1029
11:30 |
MM 24.1 |
Tunable optical bandgap of polymeric carbon nitride photocatalysts — •Christoph Merschjann, Tobias Tyborski, Steven Orthmann, Florent Yang, Martha Christina Lux-Steiner, and Thomas Schedel-Niedrig
11:45 |
MM 24.2 |
First-principles study of La–H: structural change from LaH2 towards LaH3 — •Tobias C. Kerscher, Gunther Schöllhammer, Walter Wolf, Stefan Müller, Peter Herzig, and Raimund Podloucky
12:00 |
MM 24.3 |
Systematic Study of the Hydrogen-Sensing Performance of Buffered and Capped Pd and PdNi Layers for Plasmonic Applications — •Nikolai Strohfeldt, Andreas Tittl, and Harald Giessen
12:15 |
MM 24.4 |
Hybrid Simulation of Nucleation Grow under External Forces — Robert Glöckner, Christian Heiliger, and •Stefan Kolling