Berlin 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MM 25: Microstructure and Phase Transformations III
Dienstag, 27. März 2012, 11:45–13:00, H 0106
11:45 |
MM 25.1 |
Continuous freezing and delayering of argon in nanopores — •Klaus Schappert and Rolf Pelster
12:00 |
MM 25.2 |
(contribution withdrawn) Needle-like solutions in three-phase equilibrium binary alloys — •guillaume boussinot, claas hueter, and efim brener
12:15 |
MM 25.3 |
Martensitic phase transition of iron — •Bertrand Dupé, Bernard Amadon, Christophe Denoual, and Yves-Patrik Pellegrini
12:30 |
MM 25.4 |
Role of carbon atoms on the transformation behavior in the high manganese steels — •Jaebok Seol, Changyung Park, Pyuckpa Choi, and Dierk Raabe
12:45 |
MM 25.5 |
In situ investigation of phase transitions in friction stir welded steels using high-energy X-ray diffraction — •Malte Blankenburg, Peter Staron, Andreas Stark, Torben Fischer, Jakob Hilgert, Luciano Bergmann, Jorge F. dos Santos, Martin Müller, and Andreas Schreyer