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MM: Fachverband Metall- und Materialphysik
MM 37: Topical Session Modern Atom Probe Tomography I - Fundamentals
MM 37.3: Topical Talk
Wednesday, March 28, 2012, 15:45–16:15, H 0107
interaction between a field emitter and an ultra-fast laser beam — •Angela Vella, Jonathan Houard, Nicolas Sevelin-Radiguet, François Vurpillot, and Bernard Deconihout — Groupe de Physique des Materiaux UMR 6634 CNRS, Universite de Rouen Avenue de l'Universite,B.P. 12 76801 Saint Etienne du Rouvray Cedex, France
In laser assisted atom probe, the surface atoms of a field emitter (nanometric tip) are ionized by the combined action of a standing electric field and an ultra fast laser to trig the emission. The tip-laser interaction causes linear and non linear optical effects but also induces a heating of the tip. The evaluation of the absorption and heating of the field emitter becomes a key factor to compare the contribution to the evaporation process of the thermal and optical effects. In this contribution, we will present experimental methods and FDTD simulations (numerical solving of Maxwell equations) to determine the absorption properties of a metallic field emitter and the resulting evaporation behaviour. The dependence of these properties on the laser beam parameters (wavelength, polarization, power) will be studied. To conclude, the differences in the optical and evaporation behaviour between metallic and semiconductor or oxide field emitter will be discussed.