Berlin 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MM 46: Nanomaterials I
Donnerstag, 29. März 2012, 10:15–11:45, H 1029
10:15 |
MM 46.1 |
SiC formation in carbon nanotubes grown from permalloy catalyst particles — •Anja Kießling, Darius Pohl, Christine Täschner, Rolf Erni, Mark Hermann Rümmeli, Ludwig Schultz, and Bernd Rellinghaus
10:30 |
MM 46.2 |
Evolution of nanoporosity via dealloying in binary and ternary Pt alloys — •Henning Galinski, Thomas Ryll, Yang Lin, Ludwig J. Gauckler, and Max Döbeli
10:45 |
MM 46.3 |
Metallic nanowire growth from solution using dielectrophoresis — •Alexander Nerowski, Markus Pötschke, Manfred Bobeth, Larysa Baraban, Jörg Opitz, and Gianaurelio Cuniberti
11:00 |
MM 46.4 |
Si/SiO2 nanostructures grown by dewetting of ultrathin amorphous Si-layers for photovoltaic applications — •Jan Amaru Töfflinger, Maurizio Roczen, Martin Schade, Orman Gref, Andreas Schöpke, Enno Malguth, Lars Korte, Hartmut Leipner, and Bernd Rech
11:15 |
MM 46.5 |
Tailoring magnetization reversal in magnetic nano-dots with 3D shape modifications — •Tomasz Blachowicz and Andrea Ehrmann
11:30 |
MM 46.6 |
Electrochemical charging-induced variation of the magnetic moment of γ-Fe2O3 nanoparticles investigated by SQUID magnetometry with in-situ cyclic voltammetry — •Stefan Topolovec, Peter Jerabek, Dorothée Vinga Szabó, Heinz Krenn, and Roland Würschum