15:00 |
MM 53.1 |
Stress accomodation in polytwinned NiTi nanograins studied with the phase-field method — •Christian Mennerich, Frank Wendler, Marcus Jainta, Anna Weißhaar, and Britta Nestler
15:15 |
MM 53.2 |
Structure and magnetic properties of epitaxial Fe-Pd-Cu films — •Sandra Kauffmann-Weiss, Sven Hamann, Markus E. Gruner, Peter Entel, Ludwig Schultz, Alfred Ludwig, and Sebastian Fähler
15:30 |
MM 53.3 |
Dynamic simulation of the giant magnetocaloric effect in Ni-Mn-based Heusler alloys — •Tino Gottschall, Jian Liu, Konstantin Skokov, James David Moore, and Oliver Gutfleisch
15:45 |
MM 53.4 |
Element-specific temperature dependence of the Ni and Mn magnetization in Ni51.6Mn32.9Sn15.5 — •Bernhard Krumme, Alexander Auge, David Klar, Frank Stromberg, Andreas Hütten, and Heiko Wende
16:00 |
MM 53.5 |
Effect of the film thickness on the martensitic transformation in Ni-Mn-Sn ultra-thin films — •Niclas Teichert, Alexander Auge, and Andreas Hütten
16:15 |
MM 53.6 |
Hysteretic aspects of the inverse magnetocaloric effect in martensitic alloys. — Mehmet Acet, •Ivan Titov, Antoni Planes, Lluis Mañosa, David Gonźalez-Alonso, and Thorsten Krenke
16:30 |
MM 53.7 |
Twin boundaries in trained 10M Ni-Mn-Ga single crystals — •Robert Chulist, Alexei Sozinov, Ladislav Straka, Thomas Lippmann, Carl-George Oertel, and Werner Skrotzki
17:00 |
MM 53.8 |
Blocking effects of twinning microstructure in Ni2MnGa thin films — •Tobias Eichhorn, Richard Hausmanns, Peter Klaer, Hans-Joachim Elmers, and Gerhard Jakob
17:15 |
MM 53.9 |
Vibrational properties of Ni-Mn-Ga ferromagnetic shape memory alloys in the austenite phase — •Semih Ener, Jürgen Neuhaus, and Winfried Petry
17:30 |
MM 53.10 |
Correlation Between Microstructure and Magnetic Properties in Epitaxial Ni-Mn-Ga Thin Films — •Gesa Welker, Aleksej Laptev, Mikhail Fonin, Yuansu Luo, and Konrad Samwer
17:45 |
MM 53.11 |
Influence of the addition of platinum on the magnetic shape memory alloy Ni2MnGa — •Mario Siewert, Markus E. Gruner, Heike C. Herper, and Peter Entel
18:00 |
MM 53.12 |
Mapping local elasticity of twinned martensitic NiMnGa films using atomic force acoustic microscopy — •Yuansu Luo, Walter Arnold, and Konrad Samwer
18:15 |
MM 53.13 |
Martensitic and magnetic microstructure of epitaxial Ni-Mn-Ga films — •Anett Diestel, Anja Backen, Volker Neu, Sandra Kauffmann-Weiß, Ludwig Schultz, and Sebastian Fähler
18:30 |
MM 53.14 |
High resolution surface study of modulation in martensites. — •Aleksej Laptev, Mikhail Fonin, Yuansu Luo, Konrad Samwer, Emmanouel Pagounis, and Markus Laufenberg