Berlin 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MM 55: Topical Session Modern Atom Probe Tomography V - Steels, Alloys and Structural Materials
Donnerstag, 29. März 2012, 15:45–17:00, H 0107
15:45 |
MM 55.1 |
Characterisation by Atom Probe Tomography of a Precipitation Hardened Lean Maraging-TRIP Steel — •Julio Millán, Dirk Ponge, Pyuck-Pa Choi, and Dierk Raabe
16:00 |
MM 55.2 |
Analysis of the carbon distribution in a dual phase steel by EBSD and APT — •Lars Schemmann and Stefan Zaefferer
16:15 |
MM 55.3 |
Atom probe studies on nano-sized precipitates in lightweight steels — •Jaebok Seol, Changyung Park, Pyuckpa Choi, and Dierk Raabe
16:30 |
MM 55.4 |
Atom probe tomography analysis of Sr-modified Al-Si hypoeutectic alloy — •Jenifer Barrirero, Michael Engstler, Hisham Aboulfadl, and Frank Mücklich
16:45 |
MM 55.5 |
Sr distribution in modified hypoeutectic Al-10Si alloy — •Melanie Timpel, Nelia Wanderka, Ralf Schlesiger, Tomokazu Yamamoto, Nikolai Lazarev, Dieter Isheim, Guido Schmitz, Syo Matsumura, and John Banhart