Berlin 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MM 60: Computational Materials Modelling IX - Interfaces and Boundaries
Donnerstag, 29. März 2012, 17:15–19:00, TC 006
17:15 |
MM 60.1 |
Atomistic modelling of interfaces between cubic phases and complex phases in refractory metals — •Thomas Hammerschmidt, Miroslav Cak, Jutta Rogal, and Ralf Drautz
17:30 |
MM 60.2 |
The stability of Bi-Te and Sb-Te layered structures: a first-principles study — •Kirsten Govaerts, Marcel H.F. Sluiter, Bart Partoens, and Dirk Lamoen
17:45 |
MM 60.3 |
Interfaces of hybrid materials: Structure and properties of silylated TiO2 surfaces — •Beatrix Elsner, Wolfgang Heckel, and Stefan Müller
18:00 |
MM 60.4 |
Simulations of grain boundary migration via the nucleation and growth of islands — •Christopher Race, Johann von Pezold, and Joerg Neugebauer
18:15 |
MM 60.5 |
Hydrogen diffusion in Fe grain boundaries: A kinetic Monte Carlo study — •Yaojun A. Du, Jutta Rogal, and Ralf Drautz
18:30 |
MM 60.6 |
Interfacial layering of a room-temperature ionic liquid thin film on mica surfaces — •Daniele Dragoni, Nicola Manini, and Pietro Ballone
18:45 |
MM 60.7 |
Dispersive and Covalent Interactions Between Graphene and Metal Surfaces from the random phase approximation — •Thomas Olsen