Berlin 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MM 7: Transport and Diffusion II
Montag, 26. März 2012, 11:30–13:00, H 1029
11:30 |
MM 7.1 |
First-principle study and modeling of strain dependent ionic migration on ZrO2 — •Julian Hirschfeld and Hans Lustfeld
11:45 |
MM 7.2 |
The influence of Mg and Si atoms on the cluster formation process in Al-Mg-Si alloys studied by positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy — •Meng Liu, Yong Yan, Zeqin Liang, Cynthia Chang, and John Banhart
12:00 |
MM 7.3 |
Simulation of internal nitradation phenomena with a cellular automata approach — •Katrin Jahns, Martin Landwehr, Jürgen Wübbelmann, and Ulrich Krupp
12:15 |
MM 7.4 |
Transport Properties of In2O3 and its surface electron accumulation layer — •Natalie Preissler, Oliver Bierwagen, and James. S. Speck
12:30 |
MM 7.5 |
Critical current noise in rough Josephson junctions — •Pierre-Luc Dallaire-Demers, Mohammad Ansari, and Frank Wilhelm-Mauch
12:45 |
MM 7.6 |
Mechanical Metamaterials — •Tiemo Bückmann, Nicolas Stenger, Michael Thiel, Christoph Eberl, Tobias Kennerknecht, and Martin Wegener