Berlin 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MM 9: Topical Session Bulk Nanostrucured Materials II - Processing
Montag, 26. März 2012, 11:45–13:00, H 0107
11:45 |
MM 9.1 |
Topical Talk:
Tailoring and grading materials properties by Accumulative Roll Bonding — •Heinz Werner Höppel and Mathias Göken
12:15 |
MM 9.2 |
Severe plastic deformation of NiAl by high pressure torsion — •David Geist, Christoph Gammer, Hans-Peter Karnthaler, and Christian Rentenberger
12:30 |
MM 9.3 |
Solid state amorphization of bulk Co3Ti using high pressure torsion — Christoph Gammer, David Geist, Christian Rentenberger, and •Hans-Peter Karnthaler
12:45 |
MM 9.4 |
SPD processed ß-TiNb alloys for biomedical applications — •Ajit Panigrahi, Thomas Waitz, Erhard Schafler, Matthias Bönisch, Mariana Calin, Annett Gebert, Jürgen Eckert, Werner Skrotzki, and Michael Zehetbauer