Berlin 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
SOE 14: Networks, From Topology to Dynamics III (joint w. DY)
Mittwoch, 28. März 2012, 15:00–16:45, MA 004
15:00 |
SOE 14.1 |
Efficient transport and symmetries in models of Light Harvesting Systems — Tobias Zech, •Roberto Mulet, Torsten Scholak, Thomas Wellens, and Andreas Buchleitner
15:15 |
SOE 14.2 |
Traveling fronts and stationary patterns in bistable reaction-diffusion systems on networks — •Nikos Kouvaris, Hiroshi Kori, and Alexander Mikhailov
15:30 |
SOE 14.3 |
Network evolution towards optimal dynamical performance — •Steffen Karalus and Markus Porto
15:45 |
SOE 14.4 |
High performance simulation and visualization of epidemics on complex networks — •Peter A Kolski, Martin Clauß, Thomas Selhorst, and Arkadi Pikovsky
16:00 |
SOE 14.5 |
Information spread via on-line networks: from time series to co-evolving functional networks — •Jan W. Kantelhardt, Mirko Kämpf, Shlomo Havlin, and Lev Muchnik
16:15 |
SOE 14.6 |
Complete Reconstruction of Correlation Networks — •Jan Nagler, Magdalena Kersting, Annette Witt, and Theo Geisel
16:30 |
SOE 14.7 |
Formation of the frozen core in critical Boolean Networks — •Marco Möller and Barbara Drossel