16:50 |
SOE 15.1 |
Evolvement of uniformity and volatility in the stressed global financial village — •Dror Y. Kenett, Matthias Raddant, Thomas Lux, and Eshel Ben-Jacob
16:50 |
SOE 15.2 |
Bursting behavior of non-linear stochastic model and empirical high-frequency return — •Aleksejus Kononovicius, Vygintas Gontis, Julius Ruseckas, and Bronislovas Kaulakys
16:50 |
SOE 15.3 |
Agent-Based Models of Monetary Exchange to understand Income Distributions — •Jose M Miotto and Martin G Zimmermann
16:50 |
SOE 15.4 |
Spin models as microfoundation of macroscopic financial market models — •Sebastian M. Krause and Stefan Bornholdt
16:50 |
SOE 15.5 |
Stochastic analysis of coupling between stock prices — •Alex Neumüller, Matthias Wächter, and Joachim Peinke
16:50 |
SOE 15.6 |
From probabilities of recurrence to stock index interrelations — •Bedartha Goswami, G. Ambika, Norbert Marwan, and Jürgen Kurths
16:50 |
SOE 15.7 |
Coping with uncertainty in future market evolution of competing technologies — •Patrick Plötz
16:50 |
SOE 15.8 |
Link-based social dynamics in complex networks: time evolution and heterogeneous asymptotic states — •Juan Fernández-Gracia, Víctor M. Eguíluz, and Maxi San Miguel
16:50 |
SOE 15.9 |
The Interplay between Microscopic and Mesoscopic Structures in Complex Networks — •Jörg Reichardt, Roberto Alamino, and David Saad
16:50 |
SOE 15.10 |
Node weighted measures for complex interacting networks — Marc Wiedermann, •Jonathan F. Donges, Jobst Heitzig, and Jürgen Kurths
16:50 |
SOE 15.11 |
Networks in a bucket, from dynamics to topology — •Nora Molkenthin, Norbert Marwan, and Jürgen Kurths
16:50 |
SOE 15.12 |
Investigation and modeling of human driver behavior based on Langevin analysis — •Michael Langner and Joachim Peinke
16:50 |
SOE 15.13 |
Quantitative analysis of Role behaviour and time evolution in usenet groups — •Eleni Hitchinson and Christian von Ferber
16:50 |
SOE 15.14 |
Fighting and writing, conflicts and editorial wars in Wikipedia — •Taha Yasseri, Róbert Sumi, András Rung, András Kornai, and János Kertész
16:50 |
SOE 15.15 |
Dynamics of Hierarchical Coalition Formation — •Jobst Heitzig
16:50 |
SOE 15.16 |
Ranking scientific publications by investigating the papers' wake — •David F. Klosik and Stefan Bornholdt
16:50 |
SOE 15.17 |
The role of noise and initial conditions in the asymptotic solution of the Deffuant et al. model — •Adrián Carro Patiño, Maxi San Miguel, and Raúl Toral
16:50 |
SOE 15.18 |
Negative Stimmgewichte bei Bundestagswahlen — •Daniel Lübbert
16:50 |
SOE 15.19 |
Fluctuation Analysis of Traffic Data: Comparison of Numerical Simulations, Driving-Simulator Experiments, and Real-World Data — •Mirko Kämpf, Jan W. Kantelhardt, Matthew Fullerton, and Fritz Busch
16:50 |
SOE 15.20 |
Population numbers of trains - physical models — •Uli Spreitzer, Alexander Rabanser, and Robert Löw
16:50 |
SOE 15.21 |
Bicycle Helmets And Accident Risk Of Children Cyclists In Germany — •Ingo R. Keck