Berlin 2012 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
SOE 20: Social Systems, Opinion and Group Dynamics III
Donnerstag, 29. März 2012, 14:00–15:15, H 0110
14:00 |
SOE 20.1 |
Fragmentation Transitions in Multi-State Voter Models — •Gesa A. Böhme and Thilo Gross
14:15 |
SOE 20.2 |
Early fragmentation in the adaptive voter model on directed networks — •Gerd Zschaler, Gesa A. Böhme, Michael Seißinger, Cristián Huepe, and Thilo Gross
14:30 |
SOE 20.3 |
Single vs multiple source mechanisms in social diffusion — •Paula Tuzón Marco, Víctor M. Eguíluz, and Maxi San Miguel
14:45 |
SOE 20.4 |
Opinion diffussion on commuting populations — •Juan Fernández-Gracia, Víctor M. Eguíluz, and Maxi San Miguel
15:00 |
SOE 20.5 |
Interdependent choices under social influence — •Ana Fernández del Río, Elka Korutcheva, and Javier de la Rubia